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  1. T

    light fell on plant

    i have a fan at the top of my grow space :)
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    light fell on plant

    i was thinking of that but i didnt wanna risk fuccin it up more n end up stabbin one of the roots lolz if i let it regain health instead wont it be stronger?
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    light fell on plant

    ok i need the other day a lamp fell on my 2 week old. it completely just fell over i kinda just picced it up n pushed some soil around it n it stands. this happened like 3 days ago and its all droopin n shrivelling up is it gonna die???
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    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    ok i need the other day a lamp fell on my 2 week old. it completely just fell over no stem damage was seen it bent i kno there was sum sort of root trauma. i kinda just picced it up n pushed some soil around it n it stands. is it gonna die??? someones insight would be nice
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    first grow..just so happens to be ghetto

    well yea i kno but im just working with what i got till i get to the store. i need a lot more light. hopefully it turns out good...i got a worm compost goin lolz i think i got the wrong worms i found sum dead ones. the guy at the bait shop wuz kinda ignorant
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    first grow..just so happens to be ghetto

    hopefully i have as good of a grow as that...i plan on investing some money on this but its tight right now...lolz i use duct tape n foil but i got lazy n only half has the foil..i dont want my plants getting burnt either so i might have to also invest in sum mylar
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    first grow..just so happens to be ghetto

    well honestly i have no clue lolz a friend brought me over a lamp and the bulbs were already in heres a better pic of the whole fucced up set up which is going to get better in time.. and yea its complete darknes when my bbys sleeping but i still keep the fan on at all times and am sure not to...
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    first grow..just so happens to be ghetto

    i was thinking of that but im not sure...i think i might just do the 24 hour thing at this point due to the lacc of lighting. I've read up many opinions and researched alot so im not sure what to do
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    first grow..just so happens to be ghetto

    this is day 5 since i put the germinated seed in the peat moss mix.. lighting is 18/6 should i make it sum more light? for now i only have the huge long flourescent beam lookin shit and 2 cfls and a fan at the top.
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    Compost help

    that was extremely helpful and answered all my questions, thanks i appreciate it :)
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    Compost help

    Im tryin to grow my buds organically, therefore a compost would be the best way to go. Any tips on how to start this out? I seen that red worms were the best, any opinions for a first time grower?
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    Veg. State plant

    shit...i thought so cuz i seen the lil ball at the top...i juz wasnt sure since I'm barely getting hands on experience. kay well i guess its off to the bag-seed then
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    Veg. State plant

    Ok soooo... A friend of mines has this plant his cousin brought in from texas. I kno the plant must have had a lot of stress on it coming all the way to vegas from texas but i havent seen it in person only in pics. he asked me to take care of it for him, but I'm not sure if it's worth salvaging...