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    A Few Starter Questions....

    Ok because I read that you need a storage solution for the pH meter because otherwise it will get ruined. I just wanna be sure I get everything down correct.
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    A Few Starter Questions....

    I have recieved everything that i need to start my system now however i am out of town for the holidays. One thing i do need is a recommendation on storage solution for my pH meter.....anyone :)??
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    A Few Starter Questions....

    i just bought the rest of my stuff. ill be sure to post up my new journal as soon as i start. Thanks for all the help.
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    A Few Starter Questions....

    Yea just trying to price everything out before i start up. At least i got the system built completely. I just need to get some grown medium, nutes, pH Combo meter. I think that is it lol....Unless there is something i looked over?
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    A Few Starter Questions....

    I have found this item: should i also look into getting these as well...
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    A Few Starter Questions....

    i appreciate the help and the analogy lol. Are there any good but cheap-er ppm/pH meters that i can get online. All the ones i have found have been like around 70-100+ dollars.
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    A Few Starter Questions....

    This attempt will technically be my second grow. Anyways I am wanting to do a bubbleponics system this time. I have the system made, right now i just have a few reamaining items to get and this is where all of you come in :). I still need nutes and pH equipment/solutions. I have been scourging...
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    thanks not sure what happened but the seed never broke almost looks like it was a bad seed or that it just died maybe because of the heat. I have a balcony but its not in direct sunlight would it still benefit to put it outside until it breaks soil? Im gonna start germinating...
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    As of today....Still waiting on seedling to break soil. Not sure if this has something to do with the heat or just the lighting. It has been very hot in the box lately do to the addition of lights however i have been having troubles with finding a decent fan so the temps get way up their...near...
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    First Ever Grow - Need Tips

    Damn sorry to hear bout that
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    ok planted this morning....hopefully some growth in a couple of days (its hard to wait lol). I was gonna post some pics but for some reason its not uploading ill have to try back later on. Is there any other way to add files? I have tried to upload them but it just doesnt work.
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    ill try that for the 'bad seed'....i went a head and began to germinate another seed yesterday and by this evening it was poking out a good gonna plant tomorrow as well as post pics of set up. Hope to keep on getting feedback.
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    I have no idea what i have done wrong with this one, but my seed that has been germinating since the second....thursday...has not even popped open yet. Not sure if there are any other methods of germination or not but would it be necessary to just toss it and use a different seed? Im gonna try...
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    Sorry for the lack of updates...i was hoping to have already planted again but my germinating seed has not shown its tap root yet. Im using the moist towel in baggy method just like i did on the first grow....any suggestions?
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    I had a seed I got from online. I have many more but the one I planted was sativa. I have a cabinet im using as of now and im just trying to figure out the exact set up for the lights. So far I have one power strip with 4 cfls. Wanting to put more though.
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    Second Grow....Really want input!!

    Ok so my first cfl grow started back in february of this year with just one plan and two cfls in a box...Everything went well as far as i knew and before i knew it i was flowering my girl. However she had a stunted growth, I lacked the skill to give her the full attention she needed, but i just...
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    First Ever Grow - Need Tips

    I just actually got back from picking up lights and y adapters ...... now i face the big problem extension cord i bought isnt three prong so my surges can connect lol....
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    First Ever Grow - Need Tips

    Where did you get the industrial strength velcro? im def in need of this because i have the same set up-ish that you have or at least the same idea...just need a way to get those surge protectors fastened securely. Also wasnt sure if this is the right place and time to add this but i just...
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    Need help deciding on set up...

    I currently have it under 2 cfls. I'm guessing i should increase the amount of lights?
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    Need help deciding on set up...

    oh ok...ill post some pics tomorrow if i have time. I was hoping that would be the reason, as i have been keeping the lights fairly close.