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  1. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    cheers sparkafire for an on point response. I hadn't thought of foliar feed, never tried that so will do some research... I've been using Bio Bizz (Grow), will try a spray of that. thanks again
  2. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    Haha seems pH is a touchy subject. Don't think Mg is my issue though so it's gotta be something else....
  3. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    Just measured my runoff at 6.2, which looks good on that chart, I'm thinking the problem lies elsewhere. What's locking out the P? The soil is 4-16-4 so there's plenty in there. I wanna add some ferts with more N (got some Bio Bizz Grow) but as the soil is pretty hot I was worried about burn.
  4. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    My tap water is naturally high in calcium, I haven't added any. Filtering it out is an option but it lowers the waters pH to <6 so I haven't to date. What are the purple stems indicating Sparkafire? You don't think it's burnt like the other guys here? And yeah Max I thought that was low...
  5. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    The soils pH is 5.8-6.2 according to the supplier. Will flush and take a runoff measurement when I get home. Am I right to be aiming for pH 7 runoff with soil? What can I do to fix this if it's off? I've read that soil buffers a lot so it's tricky adjusting the pH with water etc...
  6. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    PH going in is 7, it's tap water, very hard so lot's of Ca, could that be related? I've noticed some stripy leaves too and did consider Mg lockout as one part of the problem... And no nutes so far. Mixing down the dirt makes sense for the future, but the roots are established in the Bat Mix now...
  7. M

    Yellowing Vegging in Bat Mix

    Here's my situation: AK-47, week 8 of veg. Potted up in Bat Mix (4-16-4) 4 weeks ago, suppliers say this has enough nutes for 6 weeks, so no other nutes. Watering on a wet dry cycle, temps between 70-85, humidity 40-50% I've got a little tip burn, but more worryingly a LOT of yellowing /...
  8. M

    Lower Leaves Yellow / Brown/ Rusty / Dying / Dead Help!

    Mine started turning bad before any nutes, don't think I could have burnt it. I'm thinking maybe I left it too long and it got a N deficiency?
  9. M

    Lower Leaves Yellow / Brown/ Rusty / Dying / Dead Help!

    Thanks man, glad the top are looking right. I have been making sure the soil has dried properly before watering, have been cautious on that front. I think you may be right in that I shocked the plant early on though, all the effected leaves were sprouted before the first feed so I think I may...
  10. M

    Lower Leaves Yellow / Brown/ Rusty / Dying / Dead Help!

    I know lower leaves go yellow and drop off but these littluns are only a few weeks old so it doesn't seem right. They're in Bio Bizz Light, watering twice a week, fed 1/4 dose of of Bio Bizz Grow once a week, 600w HPS, Temps are 75-85, Runoff is Ph 5.8-6.5 and Humidity is too low at 35% RH...
  11. M

    Is this stretching?

    ive been battling heat issues with the HPS so until my cool hood arrives they're still under the cfl at close range, they're a bit long still but not looking too shabby!
  12. M

    Which of these two venting setups is best?

    Nice, thats really useful, thats definitely repworthy. Just to confirm, thats in Fahrenheit right? I'm used to Celcius ya see...
  13. M

    Which of these two venting setups is best?

    Option 1 then. Cheers, thought that would be the way to go but wanted a second opinion before I went hood shopping... Sounds like a decent setup flo, do you have a filter in there?
  14. M

    Which of these two venting setups is best?

    If I used a hood I would be intaking from outside the tent. Otherwise my filter is gonna be useless with the other fan going! I'm thinking the hood is the way to go though, people talk about them being nearly cool to the touch so they sound pretty efficient.
  15. M

    First Grow AK-47 600W HPS

    So they're two weeks old and they're looking pretty good, even starting to smell good! Am amazed how quickly they're coming on really. The two mutated runts bit the dust, more light for the gooduns now though. I was getting temp issues so switched back to the CFL on 24hrs, seems to be...
  16. M

    Which of these two venting setups is best?

    I've got a 600w hps in a 4'x4' tent and have these two options, which would run cooler? I can either afford a bigger filter or a hood atm, not both :( Passive Intake > Air Cooled hood > 200-400 CFM Extractor Running alongside Passive intake > Tent > Carbon Filter > 100 CFM Extractor OR...
  17. M

    Wrinkley Leaves?

    My hygrometer isn't working atm, but I imagine humidity is lower than desirable. Also I do have a fan blowing on em, it's kinda necessary to control temps like this till my upgraded extractor arrives (not long). Do you think its wind damage? Is it a big deal? Like I say I hope to move the fan...
  18. M

    Wrinkley Leaves?

    15 day old seedlings are going a bit wrinkly, are they healthy? I've been giving them about a cup of water each every 2 days, but my 600W dries the topsoil up pretty quick so I've been dampening it with say 1/4 cup every other day. Temps are at 81F right now and the surface is pretty damn...
  19. M

    ak47 Grow

    I'm no expert but 2 weeks seems quite young to be flowering? Are you in a rush? Op looks lush so far though!
  20. M

    Wrinkled Leaves?

    15 day old seedlings are going a bit wrinkly, are they healthy? I've been giving them about a cup of water each every 2 days, but my 600W dries the topsoil up pretty quick so I've been dampening it with say 1/4 cup every other day. Temps are at 81F right now and the surface is pretty damn...