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  1. archaiclife87

    starting salaries for head growers and assistants???

    why support mexican drug cartels. why would u want to send ur money to another country instead of furthering ours... boneheadbob great name btw. i would rather keep my money in the us than pay for a cartels shit as the catel is a excuse the goverment uses to throw at us to fight what we want...
  2. archaiclife87

    Using ANs seni two part and hobbyist level nutes.

    i use an GMB and i can tell u that there calc isnt correct on ppm levels but ur plants will seem to be able to take high ppm than normal with there nutes. i start at about 200 ppms then build up the first couple weeks 100ppms each time as they get bigger u can jump 150 ppms till u see slight...
  3. archaiclife87

    Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

    i have several thousand airpots i only have 10 in use but they work great for me if u need to transplant all u got to do is open the side of the air pot by undoin the screw or clip what ever come with ur air pots to clip them together. i just happen to find a killer deal on 3 gal airpots so i...
  4. archaiclife87

    50 litre Coco Grow

    i have topped after fimming when i grew out a dark star in a 4x4 scrog. it works fine but i had to use a trellis net to spread out the plant because it had so many branches. i wish i still had the pics to show u it truely was a awsome grow. actually one of my best
  5. archaiclife87

    50 litre Coco Grow

    i just double looked over ur pics n i could have used a better picture that gets the bottom of the plants to but from what i see there it definatly needs cal mag if it was just burn it would start at new growth. do ur leaf edges kinda curl up like a conoue? the pics arent great but it looks like...
  6. archaiclife87

    50 litre Coco Grow

    to me it looks like they may need a lil calcium i would use about 300ppms solution with 100-150 ppm being calmag the other half being ur normal npk mixture. coco doesnt like to be completly baren of nutes even for seeds. if u have been feeding it i would flush completely if some of that u think...
  7. archaiclife87

    Help me troll thieves

    I like this idea but dressin as a clown is like icein on the cake what ever u xhoose pls do it as a clown and record it for us to see. Put it on utube for his peers to see they will mever let him live that down he will be emotionaly scared for life he will never be able to look at another clown...
  8. archaiclife87

    whats up everyone

    Im a long time smoker just trien to grow some killer meds. Ive been growing on and off for a few years. Ive got a 3 outdoor grows and 2 indoor under my belt and im still learnimg so much more everyday. My whole life as a kid i was made to help with the garden but never anything as technical as...