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  1. GiggleGirl

    Gay Marriage ...

    Cool with me if gay marriage is legal. I had to miss the two lesbian weddings I was invited too and was pretty bummed about it. Wasn't expecting a specticle or anything-- just really wanted to be able to support my friends and their choices. It was very cool that one of the brides was...
  2. GiggleGirl

    what to do with topped part of my plants

    Hold on to them. As you trim and cut your plants stockpile all of the leaves. I then use it (and any males i get if i am growing from seed) to make butter. The resulting cookies are one of the only things that gets my husband high. :) Takes a while to get enough trim to make it, but...
  3. GiggleGirl

    square pots

    The Dollar stores around my place sell them square, and for a dollar. :) GG
  4. GiggleGirl

    GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-

    Day 33 of Flowering. One of my three was female. Managed to get two clones from her before I put her into flower. So far so good. Temps are getting a bit high now that the weather is warmer. I've been having to snip a little and sample. It's waaaayyy too early I know, but it's all I've got. I...
  5. GiggleGirl

    What The Most Memorable Sexual Experience You Have Ever Had?

    Lost my virginity after a wonderful fun day together, a great romatic dinner and a sensual hottub. I totally had it planned, but he was fairly shocked. Still like that one, glad I could control the situation better than most of my friends' first experiences. That one is followed closely by...
  6. GiggleGirl


    Should be able to start now I think. I used wet leaves to make butter.
  7. GiggleGirl

    Not Guilty

    FDD-- you freaking kill me sometimes. My type of humour for sure. Giant Ethiopian-- you weren't particularly clear in that first post of yours! Glad to hear you are turning it around. Sounds like you know some dudes that are into some crazy shit. Don't slap that teacher in the face by...
  8. GiggleGirl

    other than seeds......any use for the males????

    I made cannabutter and then had cookies. We got high. :)
  9. GiggleGirl

    Male, Female Or Hermi Pic's

    I pulled my two males and made cannabutter out of them. Made a batch of cookies with it. Made us reasonably high.. and yummmm.... cookies! (we jsut threw some water and butter in a pot. simmered all of the male plant material for 3 hours and then cooled it. Water and butter separate, throw...
  10. GiggleGirl

    The apple seed program

    City flowerbeds, sparse wooded areas in the city, next to Hedges around goverment buildings-- Most of those places where I live would allow at least 3-4 weeks of grow before being caught. GG
  11. GiggleGirl

    Help!!are My Plants Growing To Slow! Pics

    Dude, they are plants, they grow at the rate of speed they choose. Seriously growth will speed up in a few weeks when they are bigger overall... In the mean time just try to chill, otherwise you may over love them-- that's how most grows end up fcked. Later. GG
  12. GiggleGirl

    GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-

    Umm... ok.... If you read the whole journal you'd see that I'd had a few heat issues, and a couple of little bites out of things, but otherwise no major issues. They had about 8 nodes before I topped them, but were still really squat because I have them very close to a lot of light. I had a bit...
  13. GiggleGirl

    GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-

    Howdy all. So.... I was away for two weeks and left my plants in care of someone else. Sigh. I came home to something of a masacre. They were tiny and shrivelled with dead leaves in the undergrowth and NO new growth after two whole weeks. He claims he watered them. I think he's full of shit. --...
  14. GiggleGirl

    Plant massacre-- please help!!

    The helper is adamant that he watered them, but I don't believe it either. Life was super chaotic while I was away and I am SURE it was the last thing on his mind. Plus he looked guilty. GRRRRrrrrr I had been soooo careful to get them good before I left. I haven't done anything yet--...
  15. GiggleGirl

    Plant massacre-- please help!!

    Hi, So I left these three plants in the care of someone else for the past 2 weeks. The first two pics are what they looked like at day 39 of veg, just before I left. The last pics are the mess I came home to. I cried. I've been told they were watered as per my directions every 3-4 days. The...
  16. GiggleGirl

    Legal Age to buy seeds in Canada Ontario?

    You're too young... Wait until you can legally go in, and then all will become clear (and much easier). Pretty much sure you'll get asked for ID, or you could have the 'rents buy for you... Good luck. GG
  17. GiggleGirl

    Legal Age to buy seeds in Canada Ontario?

    You may want to compare prices with Sacred Seed's online catalogue since both stores are only a short ways apart. If you walk in, act polite, don't ask anything stupid about growing or product, have cash on hand etc.. you'll likely have a smooth experience. Provided you aren't crazy young...
  18. GiggleGirl

    My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels

    This is exciting to watch.. Hope it works great. I have a apretty small space too so I'd love to try it once I get some clones. Lizzie is awesome! GG
  19. GiggleGirl

    GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-

    I read about micro sexing. Checked out the eighth node and saw what I am pretty damn sure were tiny pistols on "B" I am going to call her Bertha. Hope she really is a girl. Fingers crossed! GG
  20. GiggleGirl

    The naked chick avatars

    I'll do a girl weigh in here. I actually find the "hint of nudity" photos pretty hot. Tahoe's regular choices are good examples. Not as much of a fan of the avs of labia etc. I didn't see the multi-penetration ones so can't comment. There seem to be a lot of women on this site, I'd be a shame if...