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  1. 96z28dude

    Virtual Open Air Drug Set

    One of my friends is thinking about using this site as well. I would really like to know more about your friend using it. Cuz I just wanna know if its legit. Theres not much info on google about people receiving their packages. Thanks
  2. 96z28dude

    What is a lethal dose of xanax? Please help

    He said when he was sober that he was taking xanax, honestly I dont think he knows what the fuck he was sold. My bet is on valium cuz if it were xanax he would already be dead, cuz its been like 4 hours since he took them and he has been asleep for about 1 hour now.
  3. 96z28dude

    What is a lethal dose of xanax? Please help

    Dude I think it was valium, they dont even make xanax in pink circles. Im damn sure it was valium, if it was xanax he would be fucking dead already, just sayin lol
  4. 96z28dude

    What is a lethal dose of xanax? Please help

    Okay well then it may be valium cuz he told me it they were 10mg pills of xanax and I thought 12mg was a lethal dose lol so it must be valium cuz he is still snoring like hell as of now they were pink circle pills btw, for whatever thats worth
  5. 96z28dude

    What is a lethal dose of xanax? Please help

    My friend just drank like 3/4 of a pint of seagrams gin and took 90mg of xanax. He has been knocked out now sleeping for like 40 mins, he is snoring like hell lol Im just kinda worried about him cuz I know nothing of what a lethal dose is or what to do in a situation where he overdoses or something.
  6. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Okay Im ordering a EZ Test Mandeline kit tomorrow. I think its PMA or MDA.... Im gonna be so fucking pissed if its PMA. I gave my friend a 30 mg capsule of this shit and he said he was tripping for like 5 hours.
  7. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Okay so I FINALLY figured out what it is guys! It's fucking Ketamine! And it does taste like K, like a sour/sweet taste.
  8. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Idk, honestly because I had been getting pure MDMA shards off of this guy for a while now and I just trust him a lot. I know what he sold me is something, I just dont know what it is lol Im thinking 2C-B or K. I will find out soon. He said hes going to give me details later
  9. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Well its not a pill, If I did say that I'm sorry haha I prolly did but thats because it's powder in a capsule. But its not fluffy, some of it is broken down and some of it is rocked up. But the rocks are very soft and fragile
  10. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Ok if I upload a pic youll barely be able to see it clearly cuz I have a shitty iphone but it looks like cocaine kind of but crystally, its rocked up but when I touch a rock it will break apart pretty easily. I had my buddy snort some and he said it felt like he was on LSD and Molly at the same...
  11. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Im starting to think its 2C-E or 2C-B just because of how it looks and how theres only like 0.05g in a capsule if even that much lol
  12. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    No I know I didnt get ripped off lol Ive been going through this guy for months and Ive known him since I was like 12 years old. He has been getting pure MDMA shards but this time he had some different shit. Im scared to try it or give it to anyone cuz he said not to take anymore than 2 lol hes...
  13. 96z28dude

    Is this Molly? (MDMA)

    Okay so I just bought some of what I thought was "molly" but the guy I got it from said its not molly, all he would tell me is that its very closely related to mdma. So I said MDA and he said no then I said methylone and he said no. So WTF could this be? He told me to tell people not to take...
  14. 96z28dude

    where can u find gods gift or purple erkle seeds or clones online

    Check out the seeds tab next to the forum tab on this website at the top of the page. Those are all trusted sites to order from
  15. 96z28dude

    Just got some MDA Shards

    Yes there are people that put MDA in a pill. Check out ( it's a pretty cool site. But on another note I took 400mg (.4g) the other night of this MDA and I was tripping nuts haha it felt like my body weight was 0, I just felt like I was walking on a fucking cloud, literally...
  16. 96z28dude

    Just got some MDA Shards

    Well MDA is pretty much just as synthesized as mdma except add and extra step or two. This stuff if truely amazing lol I love it a lot more than molly. Thats just my personal opinoin. Because this shit will make you roll like molly but there are some pretty intense visuals while on this. When I...
  17. 96z28dude

    Just got some MDA Shards

    It's actually not MDMA. It's MDA but thank's for the advice. I just put .4 in a cap, It shall be a good night
  18. 96z28dude

    Just got some MDA Shards

    So I just picked up a large quantity of MDA Shards. I was wondering, how should I take it? I usually just crush it up and snort it or put it in a gel cap. I cant wait! Tonight is gonna roll right on by :mrgreen:
  19. 96z28dude

    electric problem---IMPORTANT-----

    If you need any help with anything electrical just ask me or pm me cuz I am currently in my last year of college to become an electrician.
  20. 96z28dude

    My buddy has DMT

    Okay so one of my friends has DMT and I was thinking about buying some considering it is only $10 for a 10th of a gram. And he just did some and tripped his nuts off. I was wondering what is it like tripping on it? I have done 2C-B before and tripped but that's the only psychedelic I've ever...