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  1. T

    Chewing Stems

    I don't know how you people think how you think that THC has to become active, it has to dry then it becomes active.
  2. T

    Green Dragon, uncured buds?

    Do your self a favor, marijuana HAS to dry for it to become pyschological-active, it has to dry it before it will get you high. Check me out, you have dry marijuana before or it will not get you high.
  3. T

    Strongest Canna Butter

    I use 2 to 3.5 gms of seedless bud to do the job. Not .2 or .3 gms that is a waste of marijuana. Do it right or quit. TR
  4. T

    They found it...what do I do now?

    Yes, cleanup before it's to late if not already. TR