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  1. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    when im not high im pretty smart but most of the time im high lmao
  2. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    haha ill hafta to get my wife to do all that math shit ill get lost but i know we jus got our comp and im growing with 4 23 watt 2 13watt and 3 45 watt CFLs right now and our bill jumped like 49 dollars
  3. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    so basically im lookin at any where from $20 to $50 a month
  4. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    do you stay in usa
  5. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    lol yea that sounds like it would be kool im in usa
  6. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    damn it seems like it would cost more than $20 a month running 24 hours a day but sounds nice to me lol
  7. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    yea i was thinken it couldnt be that much cuz my comp runs 400 watts jus wanted to be sure thnks for clearen it up for me
  8. Daddydw21

    Energy bill

    what woul be the average on my monthly bill running a 400 watt mh light 18/6
  9. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    now at 3 weeks jus an update on ma shemans
  10. Daddydw21

    Metal Halide Mini Systems

    doe anyone know any thing about the Metal Halide Mini Systems from are they any good
  11. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    they have been on 12/12 for 2 weeks now
  12. Daddydw21


    okay thnks alot
  13. Daddydw21


    has any one grown out hermies and smoked them are they potent enough and is it worth it if you dont have any other plants to put in flower yet
  14. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    how do you rush harvest i was jus gonna go the 2 months flower since i jus had my plants in veg sprout so its only like 1 1/2 months left then my next plants will be bigger and more potent since theyd vegg a lil longer right
  15. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    okay im tryen to decide wether i should throw my three hermies away and start from scratch or let them grow and salvage the bud i can off of them i have 1 1/2 months left to flowerand i just had germd seeds sprout in soil yesterday i dont think 1 1/2 months is to long to veg under fluros if any...
  16. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    heres some pix from today
  17. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    can you tell me if you see any male parts on my plants i think they are hermies
  18. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    hey can you see those lil balls on my plant in the second set of pix and tell if they are male or jus new growth greatly appreciated
  19. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    and how can i start a journal or is just as good
  20. Daddydw21

    new to the grow

    does any one use molasas in flowering and what do you think about it