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  1. M

    New Canadian Bill calling for minimum jail sentences for +5 plants..

    Josh, actually it's not just minimum, it's mandatory 6 months, you don't get a trial. it's coming down the pipe this week and nothing you can do about it, might as well grow 200 plants get the same punishment. Harper and his fucked up priorities. Btw you can get life if they deem that you...
  2. M

    Firsttime Bagseed Outdoor Guerilla Grow

    The best way I've come up with is use your old water bottles, cut them few inches from the buttom, but not all the way around enough that you can bend them over and put the plant in then duct tape it up around the cut, stick them snug in your pack. Can fit 30 or so in a normal size backpack same...
  3. M

    BalZacs Guerrilla Grow NY Style 2011

    Balzac how's your plants doing with all this shitty weather?
  4. M

    Money Laundering

    The idea of sellin tv etc us to clean the money you can't just go slapping down $20,000 uhhhh give me 5000 shares of xyz. Umm whered you get the money to invest duh. Sure if your money is clean mutual funds would be a good long term investment or ETF would be better for returns and out preform...
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    Getting a Divorce

    Been down that path, I know it sucks and so many changes worries rush through your head, but honestly it's probably because she found someone else. I know it can be hard to believe but odds are agaist you at this point. If she is dead set on no trying it's a another dude. I was so worried about...
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    Money Laundering

    It's easiest if you have a real job it uncomplicated things greatly, although I do have a "friend" that has never had a job in his 38 years of life and has new vehicles, own house, lots of vacations,nice toys, etc. But thats a lotta work in it it's self, with the vending machines and other BS...
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    Omfg i may have just perfected cloning!!!!

    I tried this last night probably about 14 hours ago. Sliced down the middle 1/4 inch Just checked there is a little tiny root already. This is good stuff.
  8. M

    I am pretty sure its a boy

    Heres a picture, shitty camera sorry. I can see 3 little nubs forming at the node, so I am pretty sure it's male. I do want some pollen to get some seeds later on, so how long should i wait to extract the pollen from this guy?
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    Hows she doinnn

    Looks good, how old is she?
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    How does it look?

    cool, thank you
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    How does it look?

    Sorry if pictures suck, but can you tell me does it look healthy? They are about 6 days old.
  12. M

    Think these will work good?

    They are fertilizer spikes, has any one used these or something similar with good results?
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    my primitive design

    What about a grow tent up there? Would that make it more feasible to keep temps normal or not much of a diff?
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    my primitive design

    Thanks for the info
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    my primitive design

    So heres my idea wondering if this will work a small grow area in attic, i cut a vent and was wondering if i put a decent fan that runs the air though a carbon filter and out the vent would work ok for the smell?
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    Breeding - how far can a male's pollen travel

    Ok thanks, never even thought about insects
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    Breeding - how far can a male's pollen travel

    I want to breed one or two females, my question is how far away should I keep my other females to keep them from getting any pollen?
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    Growing from seeds

    Thanks for all the pointers, I have a little planter tray that holds 50 starter pellets, how long do you think I could leave them in there for?
  19. M

    Growing from seeds

    Thx, But how much light power is required for 60 little seedlings just to get them going for a few weeks like you said.
  20. M

    Growing from seeds

    ok thanks, whats the minimum light i would need to get like 60 little guys going for like a month before they go out?