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  1. C

    Starting plants/seedlings with the autopot system

    Another thing, how good would my results be when flowering with 2 x 200w ecolight bulbs in the red spectrum? I have a sodium as well but I would rather not use this if I can help it to reduce costs and heat.
  2. C

    Starting plants/seedlings with the autopot system

    Thank you so much for replying, it's much appreciated! So you wouldn't recommend putting thr newly sprouted 1" cube straight into the autopot system, instead rather let it grow with manual watering until it can suck up the water from the autopot tray by itself? So would the...
  3. C

    Starting plants/seedlings with the autopot system

    Please help, it is for a worthy cause
  4. C

    Starting plants/seedlings with the autopot system

    Anyone? Basically all i need is a simple guide to starting plants with the autopot system under eco lights.
  5. C

    Starting plants/seedlings with the autopot system

    Hi, I'm just wondering after I've germinated my seeds, and they have sprouted, when I should transfer them to the autopot system for automatic watering? I am planning on starting the plants/seeds in small rockwool cubes in the dark until they have sprouted above the surface, then put the cube...