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  1. Cosmic Charlie

    Started Flowering Today. They are 28 Days from Seed! Getting Pumped!

    Nice job........mind if I stick around? I've got a WW 3 weeks in flower. First time growing this strain. Excited to see how she turns out! Best of luck with your baby girls.
  2. Cosmic Charlie

    An Idiot's Guide to Hempy

    On my first hempy grow now. Got a few grows with organic soil under my belt. So far the hempys are rockin'! Lovin' it. The hempys are so easy for a hydro noob like myself.
  3. Cosmic Charlie

    Pharmacy Epson Salts

    Thanks Ms.3B......that's exactly what I needed to hear.
  4. Cosmic Charlie

    K21701's Hempy Bucket Grow..Royal Queen Seeds Special Kush & Bubblelicious Auto

    Nice grow! I just started with the hempy buckets myself. Awesome!!!!
  5. Cosmic Charlie

    Pharmacy Epson Salts

    Thank you, I figured it would pretty much be the same. I'll look for the au naturale.
  6. Cosmic Charlie

    Pharmacy Epson Salts

    Hi all. One of my girls has developed a nasty mag deficiency. Been checking the garden centers for epsom salts, but no luck this time of year. Does anyone have any experience using the epsom salts from the pharmacy? Is there anything I should watch out for? Thx
  7. Cosmic Charlie

    Cosmic Charlie, checking in.

    How do you do?