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  1. M

    shipping meds to pacients

    Im not a bud trader but I have received med in the mail a number of times. Im in OC and I get meds shipped from the bay all the time
  2. M

    You no longer have to germinate you're marijuana seeds ***************read please****

    I have used the paper towel method and I have also used the str8 soil method they both work. I like the paper towel method because you can see what going on vs. soil were its just a waiting game.....I don't like to
  3. M

    Best Germination Method

    I just picked up 5 XJ13 seed and I used the paper towel for 2 days inside the heat dome under high humidity and they broke open so i put them into the Rapid Rooters with 1 extra to measure the water between feeding I also placed 1 drop of clone gel in each pod.....let see what happens