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  1. coolupdscene

    N tox?

    Your doin great tho
  2. coolupdscene

    N tox?

    Yeah im just thinking of your future crops... Btw an example of my 'plain water' at EC 0.6 is as follows just to give you an idea, rather than just camg i like to make a well rounded mix: 1-2mL/gal AO 5-10-5 bloom 2mL/gal AO 3-3-2 fish and seaweed 1tsp/gal AO 0.3-0.25-0.15 Kelp 1tsp/gal AO 1-0-0...
  3. coolupdscene

    N tox?

    also, if you get a humic powder concentrate(50% or more humic) use a half teaspoon/gal on 'plain waterings to increase your uptake, this is also what i amend my coco with at least one teaspoon/gal of coco mix
  4. coolupdscene

    N tox?

    Also, mosdef, lmk how you like it... Also id never give plain RO to coco, water needs to be at least EC 0.4 in veg and 0.6 in flower... Use the calmag i suggested to do that
  5. coolupdscene

    Lol reason these stats arent on is cause i spend all my time trimming hah

    Lol reason these stats arent on is cause i spend all my time trimming hah
  6. coolupdscene

    N tox?

    Yeah your totally good but id highly reccomend genorgs CaMg+ its derived from fermented molasses just calcarb and magcarbonate over epsom any day. I think i nailed it, switch those calmags and u only need to max out at 2tsp pergal the whole way thru flower, my coco is always amended with fine...
  7. coolupdscene

    N tox?

    What happens to your runoff water? What does your magnesium and B-vitamins come from? Only saying incase you do ..don't just flush like crazy all at once either take it steady day by day spread out I run coco and get curly leaves with some strains but I also use organics so my version of a flush...
  8. coolupdscene

    1000watts should get you 1000 grams otherwise sit back and listen

    1000watts should get you 1000 grams otherwise sit back and listen
  9. coolupdscene

    Something People Ought to Know

    Also, when doing foliar with ferts like neem etc... U can just spray the topsoil before you hit the plants... Then right after you foliar water with plain water always and make sure lighting is dimmed to the lowest or even off until plants dry..thats key with good foliar practice.. Alway do your...
  10. coolupdscene

    Something People Ought to Know

    Use muquito dunk cakes in your water for the plants instead... Ladybugs in flower tho u may have to keep putting more in the room since they might die or escape in the ventilation.
  11. coolupdscene

    Something People Ought to Know

    Not exactly necessary, you can foliar neem until you see buds, AO's fish and seaweed with some humic and b1 in there with bronners tea tree soap too will boost your plants and keep em healthy, do this every 2 days in veg and you will never need to worry about mites i never get em because im...
  12. coolupdscene

    Unconventional Organics

    Im tryin to make medicine for dying people not a science expirement
  13. coolupdscene

    Unconventional Organics

    ... Whybibuse none of that as a standalone
  14. coolupdscene

    Unconventional Organics

    Fuckin gross yo id never smoke your "weed"
  15. coolupdscene

    Unconventional Organics

    I used to ph down with braggs unfiltered acv... No good kills microbes... Creates root rot... Use citric acid aka dehydrated lemon juice...not lemons tho i also dont like raw sugars gives me root aphids every time, scary shit reset time... Citric acid is very passive on the microbes
  16. coolupdscene

    Auto+Photo same time grow?

    Well id certainly start off in smaller pots for healthier roots since they dry out quicker pet peev of minebbut looks pretty decent just dont overdo the water at the beginning
  17. coolupdscene

    Auto+Photo same time grow?

    Hey is that coco ur in?
  18. coolupdscene

    I will be posting again with pics bless

    I will be posting again with pics bless
  19. coolupdscene

    Im back after many grows...

    Im back after many grows...
  20. coolupdscene

    Worm Castings or Mushroom compost?

    Certain mycorrhizal companies use mushroom spore inoculants for their products. It would be interesting to get a collection of the spores from the same species they use and make pure compost with coconut coir as the base and make the compost in a similar method. Then create some kind of...