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  1. T

    Photocycle 24/24 Flowering

    Do you mind dropping a link to your basic research that empirically shows that the day length of a plant can not be manipulated? Do you have any clue what a long day plant is? What about a day neutral plant such as tomato that WILL flower under 24 hour light. What about the Lowryder pot strain...
  2. T

    Far-red light

    As far as rooting, in a book I have, "Adventious Roots in Cuttings", there is a chapter that discusses the effects of red/far red on getting cuttings to root. The one important point shown is that not all plants benefited from far red light in rooting. I'm actually out of town right now but in...
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    Far-red light

    "I would rather have only FR, even if its extremely wasteful..I dont want to mess around with LEDs, atm..." Well, good luck with that. Heck, why use an incandescent? You can just as well use a space heater if you don't care if it's extremely wasteful and don't care about heat. Seriously...
  4. T

    Far-red light

    Plants ARE spectrum biased. The reason that one tends to get a lower yield in using metal halides over HPS in budding is because the blue light in the MH causes a reduction in the amount of auxins (a major plant growth hormone). Auxins are needed for the biosynthesis of ethylene, a female plant...
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    Honey oil from an early harvest

    I've noticed no after taste or residue with acetone; it's so volatile that it all vaporizes off. I once tried 99% rubbing alcohol from a drug store but did notice a slight residue so I tossed that batch of oil out. The centrifuge does a very good job producing clean oil. I've never tried butane...
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    Honey oil from an early harvest

    Oh, BTW, I only do this outside! Several pints of open acetone is never a good thing indoors.
  7. T

    Honey oil from an early harvest

    Why not do it! My quick process: Dry plant material Put plant material in large glass bowl and crush Fill with acetone just until plant material is covered Wait one hour (roughly) while stirring a few times Strain plant material from acetone Let acetone evaporate You're left with oil, smoke...
  8. T

    Far-red light

    Unless people are planning on heating up a chunk of iron or something then these black body radiation charts are of little practical help not to mention that black bodies are an incredible waste of energy for any sort of lighting purposes including far red light production. It's simply not how...
  9. T

    Photocycle 24/24 Flowering

    These sort of alternative lighting cycles have been discussed for years and I'm not aware of a single one showing any benefit. The trick one can most likely hope for is using a deep red light source to shorten the dark period (manipulating the phytochrome molecule). This trick has been shown to...
  10. T

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    This is an old article that was published. Please, before sinking money into LEDs, consider the arguments made here. So, without further ado, what the LED grow light manufacturers don't want you to read! Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are an exciting newer type of lighting for indoor...
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    LED Light Pods

    D'oh, where did Pennywise posts go?
  12. T

    LED Light Pods

    Moderators, I'm sorry but this is such a scam and people are being taken advantage of. PennyWise, your full of BS trying to sell a scam of a product. LEDs have a lower electrical efficiency than HPS which means watt for watt they run hotter than HPS (no way around thermodynamics). LEDs have a...
  13. T

    LED Light Pods

    Go to a grow shop and pick up a free copy of the November issue of Maximum Yield magazine. In there you'll find a 3000 word essay on why LED grow lighting is a total fraud from an engineering and photobiology stand point. As an engineer myself who's well versered in photobiology with extensive...
  14. T

    600W digital lumetek problems

    A vacuum leak in the bulb will cause this oscillating behavior. Basically, the air that is leaking into the bulb is quenching the ionized gases. As mentioned above, getting a new bulb should clear this problem up. A HPS bulb can operate in either a horizontal or verticle position. It's the...
  15. T

    Fact or Fiction?

    Weel what the fuck do you want me to do, post personal info on this fourm? Only a cop would try to bait someone to post personal info... I'm just laughing at this thread. All I do is point out that this hasn't been proven with real evidence and people act like I just had sex with their hot...
  16. T

    Fact or Fiction?

    LOL! Seriously, ROFLMAO. BTW, I've been growing a wide variety of plants for a dozen years now. Excuse me if I take "pseudopscientific" peer review with a grain of salt. Pseudoscience is defined as a body of knowledge, methodology, belief, or...
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    Fact or Fiction?

    What ever dude. All you have is ad hominems. As I said before, it's rather sad and pathetic that you'd stoop this low.
  18. T

    Fact or Fiction?

    Dude, read the fucking posts. This might be news to you, but it hasn't been studied with ANY plant as I have said. Do you understand? Is there some sort of language barrier here? Once again dude, read the fucking posts, I'm not looking to be proven wrong. My ONLY claim here is that this...
  19. T

    LED lighting and heat supplementation

    Welcome to the forum! I think that LED grow lights are the biggest scam in growing. They're less efficient than high pressure sodium. Watt for watt LEDs develop as much heat as any other type of lighting (no way around the 1st Law of Thermodynaics!). Out of the biggest scams the LGM5 is...
  20. T

    Fact or Fiction?

    Uh, well, what do you want me to prove? What do you want me to do? Appeal to negative proof? Accept hearsay as proof? I shoot down anecdotes because they're not scientific. Nearly all scientists would also shoot down anecdotes for not being scientific. Why, because anecdotes don't follow the...