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  1. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Still waiting on that scope.
  2. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    I can't wait too smoke this...
  3. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Well it is now week 8 and I am awaiting a scope to check the trichromes.
  4. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    So very very close...
  5. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Can anyone give me an estimate of what i will yield dry based off these pics?
  6. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Thank you things have been going pretty good so far.
  7. gary=busey

    150w HPS Second Grow Bagseed Flowering

    This is my first successful grow and i'm not quite done yet i don't know how much it'll yield but u can follow how it is going here also there are more pics there
  8. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Here we are i trimmed her up a bit as per some advice i had gotten.
  9. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    There you go thats the most up to date
  10. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Well just a few days later figured id take some pics got a new camera.
  11. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Its a bagseed that is unknown and yes i got 5 clones one of which I am flowering. As for the tops they are about 6 inches from the bulb no an exact measurement though. sorry
  12. gary=busey

    no idea im new here lol

    no idea im new here lol
  13. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    So for your scrutiny and pleasure here is my girl week 5 of flowering. Let me know what you think folks.
  14. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Week 5 pics later today
  15. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    It is actually just one plant with 2 tops. I've got a clone 2 weeks into flower next to it but i didn't top her.
  16. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Sorry they were late due to technical difficulties
  17. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    WEEK FOUR FLOWERING DAY 28(YESTERDAY) PICS Let me know what you think. Your feedback is appreciated.
  18. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    week 4 pics in a min
  19. gary=busey

    150w HPS Bagseed Flowering

    Thanks for the compliments and xebeche ive been working on that but i have exhausted all my clfs on my veg cab but ill see what can be done to get more. As for the sun system its been doing pretty good for me I've only done one grow that got to harvest since this it was all clfs and very low...
  20. gary=busey

    150w HPS Second Grow Bagseed Flowering

    well at least I havent been reprimanded