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  1. W

    Wanabe's Cfl Grow Check it Out

    How did you get your plants to grow so fast? I saw your 1 week pic and my plants look like babies compared to those at 1 week.
  2. W

    How would I wire this light to a standard wall outlet

    So i'm upgrading from 100w of cfl lights to 1 100w hps but all the ones ive found are like this but how would I wire these components together then to a wall if its even possible.
  3. W

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    So the one thing im lacking in my ghetto box is ventilation. Everything except the lights were found around my home but i was wondering is there is a cheap mini fan or something i could use just for out take that is sold at like walmart/target or some other cheap way to hook up ventilation.