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  1. Ganga Cook

    Greenhouse Great White Shark

    Oh Im gonna be growing them outdoors I have the perfect place for them. That being said they should grow bigger and better especially in my organic soil mix. Gonna be good shit as long as the genetics do their part I should have a great first harvest!!!
  2. Ganga Cook

    Greenhouse Great White Shark

    That helps a lot. Yeah I was gonna just buy 10 midnight x-press seeds but nobody has heard of it and decided to just go 5 of that and go 5 great white shark. Hear greenhouse seeds have bad germination rates but oh well its my first grow, its worth a shot. Good luck growing bud!
  3. Ganga Cook

    Greenhouse Great White Shark

    Hey guys has anyone heard any good/bad things about this strain? Or possibly grown it or smoke for yourself to maybe give me some advice on whether or not I should grow? My first grow is gonna be this spring and so far a have a barneys lsd, a barneys vanilla kush, a greenhouse church, and Im...
  4. Ganga Cook

    Vanilla Kush

    Never grown before but I have vanilla kush ready for this spring. Wish I could be of more help. Im expecting good things from this plant! Good luck
  5. Ganga Cook

    Problem with Attitude Seed

    Herbiesheadshop is a legit seed bank. They are in the U.K. I have placed well over 5 orders and they have all came on time and in great condition. Ive never ordered from attitude but hear they are great. I would highly highly reccomend herbiesheadshop tho, they are great and sometimes have...
  6. Ganga Cook

    Greenhouse Great White Shark

    Hey guys first grow coming this spring and I have about 5 different strains Im gonna grow to see what is the best for me. One of them is Great White Shark by greenhouse seeds. Anybody had any experience with this stuff? Or heard things about them? I hear greenhouse has bad germination rates but...
  7. Ganga Cook

    Anyone grown from Finest Medicinal Seeds?

    Whats bump? I love weed and tits!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Ganga Cook

    This soil mix seem ok? First grow!!

    I will use that stuff. Looks good to me, appreciate the help. Will that potash make the ph too far off and if so how should I go about balancing it out?
  9. Ganga Cook

    Anyone grown from Finest Medicinal Seeds?

    I was just trying to get some info on these and see if anybody has grown from this seed company. They have some white rhino that looks pretty tasty and has a great yield. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!! :weed:
  10. Ganga Cook

    Super Cropping?????

    Im just gonna go the LSTing route. Im afraid I will mess it up somehow and I dont wanna do that. Thanks for the info tho
  11. Ganga Cook

    This soil mix seem ok? First grow!!

    I was searching for a good source of potassium but wasnt sure of what I should use. Im going the organic route. I came across this stuff called meat-k I think im gonna try. Should it be getting potassium all throughout the growth or just during a certain stage, or more during one stage or the...
  12. Ganga Cook

    Anybody Heard Of Heavyweight seeds?

    Thanks. I havnt heard much about them either. They have a strain I want to try, but its hard to make a decision on something that doesnt have much information on. Idk I want to try it out but I would hate to waste money on garbage. Thanks for the input anyways.
  13. Ganga Cook

    Super Cropping?????

    Sounds good to me
  14. Ganga Cook

    Compost tea?

    During flowering I would use some indonesian bat guano. Its high in phospherous. Idk about foliar feeding during flowering tho. Id def make some guano tea for watering, they will love u for that. Good luck bro!!
  15. Ganga Cook

    Max Outdoor Yield

    I would go with LSTing. My first grow is gonna be outdoors this spring and I dont like the sound of pinching or cutting my babies in any way, dont want to stress the babes too much. Well happy growing and good luck bud!
  16. Ganga Cook

    Fist Guerilla Grow-Need Advice

    I wouldnt worry about grow bags bud, just put the soil in a hole and let them grow. I would reccomend using worm castings, that shit is amazing and ur plants will love it. Also if ur worried about the blood meal attracting unwanted lil sumbitches u could always switch it out for some mexican bat...
  17. Ganga Cook

    Soil Suggestions

    Oh did I just see u say the word rows? lol I dont know where ur located bud or if ur legally allowed to grow but the last thing u wanna do is plant in rows if ur worried about getting busted. Not trying to sound dick or anything but just looking out. Im gonna just dig holes in the ground and put...
  18. Ganga Cook

    first outdoor grow, soil advice needed

    Oh and another thing, make sure that u have good seed genetics. If u use some mystery seeds and ur grow doesnt turn out good it would most likely be the seeds fault lol. Do u plan using seeds from ur smoke or are u getting from a seedbank?
  19. Ganga Cook

    first outdoor grow, soil advice needed

    Yeah fresh manure can be too hot for the lil guys. This spring is also my first grow. My soil mix is gonna consist of premium potting soil, perlite, blood meal, bone meal, some dolomite lime, mexican bat guano to make tea for watering and top dressing during veg. stage, and Im gonna use...
  20. Ganga Cook

    This soil mix seem ok? First grow!!

    Hey guys first grow coming up this spring (outdoor) and Im just trying to get as much good info as I can before fucking shit up. Got my strains picked out and most of my soil products. So far my soil is gonna contain potting soil, perlite, lots of worm castings, dolomite lime, blood meal, and...