is that what you think it is then, a lock out? it just seems to me like that should be the last thing i should have to worry about since the water is pure & i'm only adding calcium & micronutrients. the watering before the last, i used a tsp of molassess also. but other than that, nothing has...
the intake vent actually takes in from a cold-air-intake vent on the floor above so i don't THINK it's causing fumes from the tank to come in. the tank is like 10 feet from the intake. but it's a HUGE tank so unfortunately there's no moving it =(
magnesium & other things are taken out of the...
Thanks for replying.
The temp is 60-80 degrees varying, at night and while the lights are one.
Humidity is about 40.
I have an in-take vent & exhaust vent.
Followed the super soil recipe exactly. As for the Calplex & Micro, I add a tsp per gall of water & water four plants with a gallon.
I was...
So my plants are about four weeks into flowering, growing in super soil. I'm using Earth Juice Micro & Calplex to compensate for minerals taken out thru reverse osmosis. My problem is my plants are getting ugly. I'll add a couple pics so if anyone can help.. I would REALLY appreciate any help I...