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  1. M

    Why Use Lucas Method?

    Can someone tell me some information as I will be Vegging for 10 week and Flowering for 10. This is just the way it is, my strain, setup etc. Is it... 16/8 for Veg, would this apply for a cutting aswel? 8/16 for Flowering Can I set my PPM/EC to whatever my plants are telling me too? Also, Is...
  2. M

    Suggestions on Adding Bloom Nutes with GH Flora Nutes

    What would you recommend for a 10 week Veg and 10 Week flower in an atami wilma 4 pot system. Bloom EC roughly 1.5 - 1.8 yeah? What about Veg EC? Also, what PH do you recommend from clone to harvest. Also any thoughts on flushing, does Lucas flush?
  3. M

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Yeah that's me, the thing is, I know i'm like so try to blend in and let others ask the silly questions again hahahahaha. I got the picture though, just to re-confirm what i...knew. Awesome man, thanks for this, greatly appreciated. All the best. Peace.
  4. M

    EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

    Thanks for the reply officernasty. Noted.
  5. M

    EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

    Why ask a question. Because I would like the answer.
  6. M

    EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

    Thanks for that, you have made me reconsider my line. I will probably drop Diamond Nectar and Carbo Load. However Overdrive and Big Bud probably not. I have hear and read some great comments about them both. I'm a novice I know but I will always do my own research. I'm going to be sticking with...
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    EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

    Why is it all pointless? Tangerin Dream, Barneys Farm. Peace
  8. M

    GHE Nutrients UK?

    Hey guys. Can anyone tell me where to get the expert level of the GHE series (Floralicious Plus, Liquid Kool Bloom) in the UK? Or are there UK varieties? (long shot) Cheers Peace
  9. M

    EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

    No not yet, I will in a few weeks. I just choose the more complicated of weeks in terms of amount of different nutes to 10 litres.
  10. M

    EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

    Hello. Thanks for reading... First I should tell you what nutrients I am using. General Hydroponics - FloraGro " - FloraMicro " - FloraBloom " - Diamond Nectar Advanced Nutrients - Carbo Load...