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  1. The White Buffalo

    The Weed Nerd~

    Hey Sub. Good move on switching to the Pro-Organic Mix. I have been using it for about 2 years now and have had excellent results. Never any bugs and the root growth has been better than any other media I have tried. I have found that it is definitely light on the nutes so plants might get...
  2. The White Buffalo

    Best TGA sativa dom strain for outdoor stealth

    You want the fruitiest smelling and the best for stealth? I don't think those two are going to match up well. Consider the strains grow characteristics too given your location.
  3. The White Buffalo

    Making a big ebb and flow table out of wood and epoxy

    It will work fine. I've custom built fish tanks and viewing ponds out of plywood and epoxy. If you are filling more than a few inches you might want to go with some center bracing. 9 feet is a long run. The pressure on those boards increases with the height of water column and a few inches...
  4. The White Buffalo

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Very few places lit Rollitup where you can actually compliment somebody and it gets thrown back at you. The arrogance is amazing.
  5. The White Buffalo

    Desperately Need Help

    Are you bubbling your EJ for 24+ hours after mixing it before messing with the PH? And what is your PH?
  6. The White Buffalo

    Anyone Use UV-B Light Supplementation?

    While some concern is warrented those UVB reptile bulbs are not that dangerous. The intensity of UVB falls off dramatically as distance from the bulb increases. As long as you are not sticking your face right in there for long periods of time you dont have to worry too much. And in my...
  7. The White Buffalo

    ProMix Vegetable & Herb OMRI medium This stuff is the bomb and OMRI too.
  8. The White Buffalo

    Why use less molasses? I want my bud as sweet and dense as possible

    Hey King! In regards to the lack of taste in soiless...I have had good success with Earth Juice. Taste seems to be there pretty close to soil and it actually seems to be pretty easy to use and foregiving since it's organic. A little mis measure and not a big deal. The girls won't freak out on...
  9. The White Buffalo

    Chernobyl and Plush Berry

    Chernobyl lookin awesome!
  10. The White Buffalo

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    That looks just like one of the pheno's I got. Smells great, very sweet like berry's and just a hint of color at day 63. I have a smaller pheno with no color that smells nothing like berries. I just took a test smoke and without a proper cure I can't comment on taste but the high is great...
  11. The White Buffalo

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    That is pretty cool lookin. Thanks for sharing Matt.
  12. The White Buffalo

    Plush Berry Picture Thread

    Where are the pictures at Matt?
  13. The White Buffalo

    Finer points of the OMMA law

    Good info! and great idea to have a copy of it with your card.
  14. The White Buffalo

    hip hip heray

    This thread should just be left to die but I just got to add my .02 It does not cost 50-60 bucks an 1/8th to grow so this whole reimbursement line is a joke. But I do think the dispensaries fill a need. And I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to make money off of growing its just...
  15. The White Buffalo

    Best of List~Full Spectrum Labs~ Staff Picks

    That is pretty bad ass! Now I really can't wait to pop these Querkle beans.
  16. The White Buffalo

    Vanilla Kush?

    That is pretty much how mine grew as well.
  17. The White Buffalo

    Space Queen?

    Check out the TGA website. It looks like there are lots of places to order seeds.
  18. The White Buffalo

    Chernobyl and Plush Berry

    And on that note I found my first nanner on my PB this morning. Three actually. The smaller dready pheno doesn't have any. This has been a fairly stress free grow so who knows......No worries though. I'll let her go a few more days then chop chop! She is going to be a sweet smoke. Can't wait...
  19. The White Buffalo

    I Have Nausea Since The Day One of Taking R Simpson Oil

    PPP has some strong sativa effects and I would say it is the strain. Maybe even some THCV in there too which can make people nauseous and actually suppress appetite. Stick with the indica's and you will be good. Maybe let the next batch go a bit longer and make sure you are seeing some amber...