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  1. S

    when to kill

    Thanks for reply oh tuffeted one. The boys are all dead
  2. S

    when to kill

    thanks for the the reply
  3. S

    when to kill

    Got 9 Blue Mystics from seed under 1000 watt hps into one week 12/12.I already have major nuts on 5.If that many are showing now is there a chance the other girls will turn later.Just seems kinda quick. Any thoughts and advice are very Got 4 small durvins in there as well.:-?
  4. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I think i,m done but I wasn,t sure about the flush time after spraying for spider mites two weeks ago.Also alot of trichs were still clear
  5. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hello Friend , My Blue Sattlelites have been flowering for 65 days and have been battleing the dreaded mites.Sprayed Pyrethin topically for about a 30 second total shot two weeks ago, have been flushing ever since.Still showing alot of clear trichs. Thanks for everything. hope pics come thru