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  1. B

    Quote From When I Was High

    :hump:First of all, check him out. Pretty cool mates...what's not funny about him?
  2. B

    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    :hump: I would like to start by saying chill dudes. Lets say Chuck Norris is an ustoppable force and also an immovable object at the same time. HE could move and stop anything, except.....when annoyed by Gilbert Godfrey...:hump:
  3. B

    Topics Talked About When High

    Pretty fucking good mates.....
  4. B

    Topics Talked About When High

    :hump:<----First off, look at this little mack daddy. Pretty fucking good mate! I talk about inventing old shit that someone already seems to have invited. Most of the time, i talk about what i see when i'm high and the strangeness of the particular thing in my view.