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  1. PolarBoar

    Thank you, Rollitup.

    I just pre-dried a bud on my first ever plant (I never have grown ANY type of plant before) it blew me away how strong it was, i thought it would be bad because its my first grow. Just wanted to thank everyone on rollitup, You guys were a big big help. Without you guys giving me advice, This...
  2. PolarBoar

    The iron stomach takes on his next contender.

    well thats just fantastic, Maybe itll grow outta my mouth and i can harvest it.
  3. PolarBoar

    Need help, Will my baby be alright?

    Well thats good to hear, and as for the part that broke, it broke clean off, just snapped like a twig.
  4. PolarBoar

    The iron stomach takes on his next contender.

    Where i live im known as the "Iron stomach" Ive eaten alot of different things (Squid, Shark, Baracuda, Etc) But today i took up a new challenge. While checking on my plants, i noticed one of them was bending, So i *tried* bending it back straight, But i fucked up and "topped" the plant so to...
  5. PolarBoar

    Need help, Will my baby be alright?

    So i should be able to continue flowering her with little to no risk?
  6. PolarBoar

    Need help, Will my baby be alright?

    I thought about that, But i read somewhere to never ever never top during flowering, so i decided to risk it by putting her back in veg.
  7. PolarBoar

    Need help, Will my baby be alright?

    Alright, About 3 days ago i switched her over to 12/12, And today i noticed that she was bending to the light beside her, so i *tried* bending her back straight, but i fucked up, and basically topped her. So i stuck her back in veg to grow back. My questions are: Will switching back to veg...
  8. PolarBoar

    Anyone know whats going on?

    This is happening on 2 leaves (One has the dark spots, one is just lighter at tip), I looked around and found nothing reguarding this (Or im stupid and missed it) Soil: Mg Potting mix Age: 7 weeks Lights: 3 100w 2700k CFLs Water: tap thats Phd at 6.5 Im not feeding any nutes because of the...
  9. PolarBoar

    Red branch?

    Shes about 6 weeks old, and a foot tall.
  10. PolarBoar

    Red branch?

    Soil: Mg potting mix Water: tap water thats sat out for 2 days, PhD at 6.5 Lights: 4 100W 2700k CFLs (Just made my flower room and put her in there last night, She used to be on 1 40W flours, and 1 60W 6300k CFL) Im not giving her any food because of the time release ferts. She has 3...
  11. PolarBoar

    Is this normal?

    :D Now i can have some easy rest knowing my baby ain't a deformed mutant freak because i messed up. Have some rep bro!
  12. PolarBoar

    Is this normal?

    I know its probably a really stupid question to ask, But is it? Im new to growing (That plant is actually my first ever plant) And most pictures of nodes only have one branch.
  13. PolarBoar

    Dinafem Seeds: Shark Attack

    Has anyone here ever grew/smoked this? How'd it go for you?, What was the smoke like? I just got some Shark attack seeds and i wanted to know if anyone here has any info at all they could share, All the similar topics i found died with little to no info on this strain. Any info at all is much...
  14. PolarBoar

    PolarBoar's First ever grow (Warning: May Contain Large Amounts of Hoboishness)

    Sad to hear that bro, But as most people say, you either swear by MG, or swear at it. Different tokes for different stokes i guess.
  15. PolarBoar

    PolarBoar's First ever grow (Warning: May Contain Large Amounts of Hoboishness)

    Just got Miracle grow moisture control, however its pretty wet from being in the snow, And cold. REALLY COLD. (Can gnats survive in cold soil?) im pretty sure this bag has been sitting there for awhile. but its the last bag they had, and the only decent stuff they had (By that i mean, people...
  16. PolarBoar

    PolarBoar's First ever grow (Warning: May Contain Large Amounts of Hoboishness)

    My alarm went off at 11, that means it was time to end the dark cycle and turn on the lights, I peered into the tank to see how my baby's were doing, and i almost feinted from the sheer amazingness when i saw that angel grew ATLEAST 2 inches, probably more. It might be common to see that for you...
  17. PolarBoar

    PolarBoar's First ever grow (Warning: May Contain Large Amounts of Hoboishness)

    Why be drunk, when you can be blazed? :P And i have to use a clean finger, i smoke cigs, and the chemicals and shit gets all over my hands, and that'll kill the plants xD
  18. PolarBoar

    PolarBoar's First ever grow (Warning: May Contain Large Amounts of Hoboishness)

    Whatsup! the plants are offically 3 weeks old now, And there coming along really nicely, I still havent gotten those seeds, However on monday im running to homedepo to get some good soil for them if they get here :D Don't have much else to say so... on to the pics! Trixie week 3 Trixie has...
  19. PolarBoar

    PolarBoar's First ever grow (Warning: May Contain Large Amounts of Hoboishness)

    Good advice as always snow crash, I do plan on getting a tent and HID light, however getting the cash for it could be an issue(Currently Unemployed, Living with parents,) There cool with me growing though, since we live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with 60 miles of private property. As for...