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  1. Be Cool


    Having problems uploading pics again... I'll try again tomorrow.
  2. Be Cool


    Buddy decided not to chop. The more I see of the new pics, I'm glad he hasn't too. A fellow grower in his area said that the pollen pods were empty when he was opening them up? He also stated that it was a weird looking fem...
  3. Be Cool


    Here are a few additional pics...
  4. Be Cool


    Yeah, that makes sense since its freaky looking to me after growing ladies all the time. It’s too bad since it has been a different phenotype since germination. For one, it was the largest seed (tiger stripped) I have ever seen. Also, it had the largest fan leaves I’ve ever seen. They were three...
  5. Be Cool


    Cool, RIU is showing me some love today. Here's the plant in question.
  6. Be Cool

    Posting Pics

    Haven't been here in awhile and am having denial messages when trying to upload jpg images... regular text posts are going through fine? Any admin help would be appreciated.
  7. Be Cool


    RIU isn’t letting me post images so I guess my privileges have lapsed since it’s been so long since my last post…
  8. Be Cool


    Normally grow fem seeds or clones so I’m a newb when it comes to sexing. Buddy of mine has this beautiful plant but it doesn’t look like anything I’m use to. Is this a male or heshe?
  9. Be Cool

    problem with main stem

    Looks like a problem I had 3 weeks back... Listen to BUDS.
  10. Be Cool

    Nebula has Collar Rot/Foot Rot/Damping-Off/White Mold...

    Here she is 3 weeks later... I cut back the feed and watering for the first week to give her a chance to recover. I am also making sure that when I do feed her I stay away from the stem. She is much happier now and healing nicely.
  11. Be Cool

    Nebula has Collar Rot/Foot Rot/Damping-Off/White Mold...

    Well, I’m certainly not going to give up yet. I’ll stick it out until she falls over. I’m not planning on doing anything other than keeping the stem as dry as I can. Don’t know of anything else to do. Thanks Krypt
  12. Be Cool

    Nebula has Collar Rot/Foot Rot/Damping-Off/White Mold...

    I spent a few hours researching and don’t know what it is exactly. She sprouted from seed 3 weeks ago growing in CoCo. I potted her up from a smaller cup and buried the stretched stem into a new cup (she is under floros). I probably over watered/ferted last week giving her the same nutrients as...
  13. Be Cool

    My Eventual Perpetual Garden: Round 2

    Cant wait to see how you turn out SAGE. You are going to love how she smells (someone should market a cologne)... One of my all time favs.
  14. Be Cool

    The Retarded or Sculpted Plant Game

    Here's a pic of a girl 18 months old named Cheesewreck at 8 weeks 12/12. She started as an extra clone that got thrown into a box with a floro to keep the genetics around. Some would call her a Mom but she wasn't treated like one. I was a mean cruel bastard. She was watered when I remembered and...
  15. Be Cool

    CSI Stickyicky's Locking Metal Grow Cabinet Build

    When you are talking about topping the "Church" where are you doing this (what node)? So far, every Church that I have grown has had staggered internodes and I have no idea where to pinch it off/top using UBs method. BTW, if this is ur first Church grow, ur gonna love this plant. She tells you...
  16. Be Cool

    Party Cup Contest *with prizes

    I'm in... better late than sooner. Wait, that's not how it goes. Anyway, I'm in the process of taking clones from reveged moms. It will be an ugly start but I'll throw one into a 16oz cup once I see some growth and take pics to make my candidate official. It will be a coco hempy mini bucket.
  17. Be Cool

    Another newb joins RIU

    thx, I'll see you around!
  18. Be Cool

    born in 1960

    I do and we were getting robbed back then too!
  19. Be Cool

    Another newb joins RIU

    Hello to the RIU gang! I'm an indoor grower that has been in dirt, bubbles, and now exclusively Hempy buckets using coco (kudos to budbabe from UKC). I grow under CFLs and flower beneath 400 HPS with 250 floros for side lighting. I prefer mostly sativa hybrids and my spelling usually sucks:)