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  1. R

    What LED's are best for vegging

    thanks, never done it before, but i guess i will have to. i have a bunch.
  2. R

    What LED's are best for vegging

    FOR SALE: Black Star 240-watt LED lights. Excellent condition, like new, in original packaging. Must sell because I am short selling my home. Lights worked great. If you are legitimately interested, please send me a private message. Please be real and serious.
  3. R

    Led Users Unite!

    FOR SALE: Black Star 240-watt lights. Very new. Used for only three months. In excellent condition in original packaging. Must sell because I am short selling my home. Lights worked excellently and are a good alternative to the costly HPS systems. If legitimately interested, please send me a...
  4. R

    Led Users Unite!

    hey, j, yep, the initial startup costs, concerns over energy usage, etc., led me to go small scale. perhaps in the future...
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    Led Users Unite!

    hey, surge, honestly, i diddn't get much of a deal. he said the 240s were selling so well that he couldn't give me much of a deal. i suppose i could have done better if i had pushed a little bit, but unless i'm buying a car or something, it's not my style. and anyway, if the product works well...
  6. R

    Led Users Unite!

    haha, thanks, guys, i think i'll be fine, but i guess i'll know in a few months. thinking about the journal, but a little scared to post that stuff. we'll see.
  7. R

    Led Users Unite!

    18 blackstar 240s. victor was a pleasure to deal with at gotham. however, i am not rich, and this was a very major purchase, so i feel like i'm going to throw up. encouraging statements would be appreciated.
  8. R

    Led Users Unite!

    hey kush, what do you mean by that? how would i be noticed? cereall, thanks for the reply.
  9. R

    Led Users Unite!

    hi, there, i'm apologize for my retardation, as i truly know nothing. but how many actual watts does a blackstar 240 use, and about how much would it cost per month to run 16 of them, and would that amount raise any red flags? many thanks, as i no longer have any brain cells.
  10. R

    Led Users Unite!

    I'm actually wrestling with the same decision, though for an area four times that size. i'm definitely concerned about energy consumption. don't want to raise any red flags. I was thinking of getting 16 blackster 240s or six 500s or 600s. can't make up my mind.
  11. R

    Led Users Unite!

    honestly, i'd love to make a purchase, but the more i research LEDs, the more questions I have. It seems like the main benefit is less heat, but the energy savings really aren't there. To fill one of my 11 by 11 room, it would take at least six 500-watt blackstars. that's 3,000 watts, though...
  12. R

    Led Users Unite!

    they're called 500, dude says they pull more than 250 though. he actually said like 375. do you think 12 of those would make for a crazy electric bill? that was supposed to be one of the main benefits of leds.
  13. R

    Led Users Unite!

    hey, jdizzle, and everyone else, i'm going to get 12 blackstars 500 watts each, to put six in each of my 11 by 11 rooms, so please stop me if that's a terrible choice! lol, but seriously, word
  14. R

    Led Users Unite!

    i'm strongly considering buying 12 blackstar 500s to cover my two 11 by 11 rooms.
  15. R

    Led Users Unite!

    that's essentially what i'm saying too. the more research i do, the farther away i am from actually buying. i'm terrified of making a mistake with a lot of money
  16. R

    Led Users Unite!

    Shit, i heard good things about the black star.
  17. R

    Led Users Unite!

    Thanks, Surge, I'm thinking of buying 12 of these = six for each room.
  18. R

    Can you tell me what the difference is between these LED lighting systems?

    Jdizzle, if you had up to six grand and wanted to cover to rooms, each 11 by 11, which lights would you purchase? got a link?
  19. R

    Led Users Unite!

    thanks, surge. i'm so confused. i'm looking at a bunch of different models. basically, i'm looking for the best way to cover two separate 11-by-11 rooms, and i'm willing to spend up to six grand, but I have no idea what the best option would be. i'm retarded.
  20. R

    Led Users Unite!

    And I mean, please be specific, like, here is a link. please.