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  1. B

    White Widow Way too tall!

    Interesting idea, I guess I am wondering what would keep it from straightening back out again over a few days. Perhaps tying the top off in a gradual curve? Thanks for the F. Farm note on the solubles...I wondered if they were effective.
  2. B

    White Widow Way too tall!

    OK, 60 days old from seed, been flowering for 17 days running NFT system with Fox Farm nutes. After culling males, and a couple of poor starts, I have 3 plants going; 1 is about what I expected at 20" height, BUT the other 2 are out of control....1 is 64" and the other is about 54". Under (2)...
  3. B

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Since you've let everyone on this board know you are a thief, why don't you just make things easier on yourself and steal your pot instead of stealing the equipment to grow it ! Geeze, What a low low life!
  4. B

    Pre-Flower Identification??

    Ok, here is a little better shot of what are hopefully some female plants!
  5. B

    Pre-Flower Identification??

    Yes, I'm gonna try and get a better shot this morning on the (probably) female, and post it soon. Thanks.
  6. B

    Pre-Flower Identification??

    OK, I'm at about 35days from seed and looking for signs to genderize and cull males. The first shot looks to be a male and has little single balls on the end of a short stalk. The second is highly magnified, but looks pod-like with a tendril just emerging, so I'm thinking female here. Opinions...
  7. B

    Can I switch from day to night lighting?

    Thanks for the input, it so happens I am in the Mile High State myself, but grow room is in the basement, but it is still 72-74° in the summer down there WITHOUT any lighting....sooo I may try the switch, even though this grow will be over by the end of March or so.
  8. B

    Can I switch from day to night lighting?

    Keeping the lights going longer, and just slowly "shifting day to night" makes sense...I may be trying to cure a problem that does'nt exist though....night temp is 66° (with supplimental heat) and day runs 75-77° . If I reverse the lighting to nightime, I could eliminate the aux night heating.
  9. B

    Can I switch from day to night lighting?

    OK, 1st post here....great forum!...also 1st grow in Many years (think mid 70's), and 1st hydro/aero grow ever. I'm running a 18/6 schedule with lights on in the daytime, and I'd like to switch to nightime lighting to control the room temp better. These guys are now 3 weeks old from seed and...