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  1. N

    Storing nutes in the same container?

    then again,on ebay i found peristaltic pumps for 10usd, 6v ones, instead of the 120€ i was looking at. might aswell give the cheap ones a try.
  2. N

    Storing nutes in the same container?

    one reason might be that you cant add and/or make up your own recepies.
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    Storing nutes in the same container?

    Hi, more specific, storing canna coco a+b, with pk & canna boost in the same container with resp ratios. why I am asking is because, Thinking about a project that involves automaticly adding nutrients to water container when the ec drops. so that would save couple hundred on peristaltic pumps...
  4. N

    plant symptoms quiz

    sorry, this is not a link to such quiz, but if you scroll down, you might get lucky. i did not find such thing trough google, yet i highly doubt there is not a such thing. im hoping someone would post one here, preferably with many pictures of same symptom (so there is not only 1pic of the...
  5. N

    Royal Queen Auto-Flowering Royal Dwarf - Harvest time!

    if you want to harvest it, its ready for harvest. its like having a piece of toast and ask if its toasted. some might want lighter toast, some darker.. its about personal preferance. but it will be more stoning if you let it for some more time. you get little lighter high from a plant thats...
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    How to super clone

    the myth is not confirmed. the fact that you did not succeed is confirmed :P
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    how to super clone...

    do that to a relativly young plant that you have been lst'd and do it on the main stem. when roots is achieved, bend the mainstem into the soil. double roots, double growth :P
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    plant looks healthy but leaves are curling at the edges? any ideas?

    are you keeping lights on for 24/7? they can look like that if you do, i had ww that looked like that, even tho it aint specially hot, they dry out or something. i didnt have a timer at that time so i vegged with 24h light for a month. but they grew ok anyway. tho they dont get any rest wich...
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    Killing bugs with co2?

    if your gonna overuse co2 in a room with more than 10k ppm. might aswell do it at "night time" when the plants don't use it, then they shouldn't take harm anyone know how long spidermites eggs take to hatch? if its like 2days, then just do like this co2, wait 24h, co2, wait 24h, co2. that...
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    what happens if you dont change water (aero)

    Hi, looking at seemorebuds video, in that video the grower don't change water, he just adds water, he uses nutes with peroxide, i think he changes water every harvest tho. anyway is this suitable on a dps aero, or WILL the nossles get clogged? since if you can run it without changing water every...