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  1. arykkah

    Rumour or Fact....????

    Here are a few links that I found to articles that talk about this. It seems to be limited to a very few specific states but I think the whole thing is just sad. | GTA | Is term 'Canadian' used as racist word?. The Daily Bellwether: Ohiosphere Tale Of The Day (XI): 'Canadian' As The...
  2. arykkah

    Rumour or Fact....????

    Hi everyone, Hopefully this is the place for this (sorry if it is inappropriate). Recently in Canada we have been hearing news that people in the Southern States have started to use a new derogatory word for Black people. They have been calling them 'Canadians'. Is this fact or fiction? I know...
  3. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Here is the update on my plants under the veg light. The first pic is one of my bucketed clones. The more aggressive growth is only just starting but you can see that the topping is looking good. I need to set up a new veg light so that my clones have a closer light. Right now my space is not as...
  4. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    This is the update on my clones. They are getting really close to planting. Probably only a few more days as once the roots start they really start to grow.
  5. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Here is my big beauty. She is just starting to fill out (though she has some weeks to go)
  6. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    There has been some really strong growth on my flowering girl (pic to come). She is filling out the way that I had hoped. Around the top of the cola that is hairs starting on the leaves (always a good sign). I am still just over a month away but I have 'HIGH' hopes. I have just changed the...
  7. arykkah

    need help......what is this!!!!!

    I have been growing strains of widow for a while. Usually you can tell by the leaves. Your leaves are tight towards the bottom but it doesn't seem to have as many fingers on the leaves that widow usually has. By the purple stem you might have a widow mixed with something else or it just might...
  8. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Let me now introduce your to my pretty girl and her very hairy flowers. This blue widow has only been flowering for about 3 weeks so there is still more than a month to go but she is beautiful so far. If anyone has any experience with widow and have a suggestion on how to increase the yield...
  9. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Here are some updated pics of my clones. You can see that the roots have started to really sprout on my stocks. They are already sitting away from the green and it will not be too much longer until they are full length roots. I have also posted picks of my three other clones that are in buckets...
  10. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    This is the most recent pic of my clones in water. I think you can see that the one if the foreground seems to have perked up a lot making me think that it is not too much longer until those roots really spout.
  11. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Just to clarify, I moved away some of the clay pellets so that you could see that roots as they grow down (which I like better than some surface growth that soil has). I am fascinated by the roots that these plants produce in this system. A word of caution. The roots will begin to grow up the...
  12. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    My set up is a few (not telling how many) General Hydroponic Water Farm buckets (which is the drip system and I absolutely recommend a drip system to anyone). All my buckets have clay pellets in them (remember no soil or anything else that can pollute my space). Clay is just a great medium for...
  13. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    I have never really had much success using rockwool for cloning. It might be a specific breed thing such that Widow does not like to take in the medium. I am sure that people have had success with other methods but an really important part of cloning is keeping your plant alive and I have found...
  14. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Forgive my getto set up. I have mylar but have not set up the room quite the way that I want it yet so right now I have tin foil to reflect light. As I said I am not the most sophisticated set up but I am only doing this for myself and to get Widow which is not the easiest thing to buy. But it...
  15. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    This is my eldest clone that was planted just over a week ago.
  16. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Here are two more pics. The first is one of my healthy clones sitting in water. You can always tell the health by the new growth at the center. The second pic is my most recent two planted clones. You can see that one of them has already turned dark green (that one was planted a few days ago)...
  17. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Correction, Pic one: glasses Pic two: planted clone roots Pic three: current clone stem that is in water. You can see that start of the roots on the stem.
  18. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    This is a pic of my tiki glasses (don't laugh), a close up of one of my clones so you can see the health and the roots on my current (planted two days ago) clone.
  19. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe This is a pic of my current two rooting clones. They are really close to full roots and that is why the leaves are starting to yellow, but as you see there is no death in the leaves. They will be perfectly functioning leaves for when...
  20. arykkah

    All you need is WATER...and a little LOVe

    Of course, Water only in this post. If someone can help I want to post my pics but I can't seem to get them posted. I keep getting an error. I have pics of my whole set up including the cups (and the how the plants are situated), the roots starting, planted clones and their roots.