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  1. Shallowcal

    Annoying Phrases

    "I" before "E" except after "C" Charlie Brown ;)
  2. Shallowcal

    Annoying Phrases

    LOL, I use to say that too and some people hated it (other saw the humor). Someone reported me at work saying I was pretty much picking on them. LOL. I resigned from that stuffy place anyway. Fuck Corporate!
  3. Shallowcal

    Curing - and other Urban Legends

    If you look at cuttings they are structurally different than the mother. It should be a habit to keep a mother plant to clone from as oppose to cloning then cloning then cloning from clones.
  4. Shallowcal

    Welcome New Members!

    Looking forward to it Cindy
  5. Shallowcal

    Welcome New Members!

    :clap::clap::clap: Thank you for the welcome.
  6. Shallowcal

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Those are some sexy bitches.
  7. Shallowcal

    Upper fan leave canoeing upward. Moisture, heat, both?. Please help.

    Actually, that doesn't look bad. I'm no expert but seriously, they look healthy. Do you have any other concerns with them?
  8. Shallowcal

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    That change in soil was a good go. Let's go Joe Camel. Followed the thread an was hoping you guys figured it out. Great support group here. Happy growing brothers/sisters.
  9. Shallowcal

    New To This. Indoor Plant Help!

    The first one is a female, notice the hairs. Second is male notice the balls.