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  1. LA LA LA

    Cfl how big will my yield be???

    I was lookin for those Y splitter but they didnt have any in stock atm but i do need it. Thanks for the input sir gonzo, very helpful!
  2. LA LA LA

    Cfl how big will my yield be???

    I got a closet grow going and a question of mine is, Would it be clever if i surrounded my plant with 4 Cfl clamps, One 150W on top and 3 smaller 75W on the sides with an opening for my small fan for ventilation? As of now im just using one 150w really close to the top. NOTE: shes a dwarf
  3. LA LA LA

    Cfl how big will my yield be???

    Hey man im new to CFL grow too but i learned one thing, Invest in some higher Wattage!, the more lumens the bigger the yeild. Also when you start flowering make sure the kelvins are 2700k (red spectrum) for Vegging 5000k (blue spectrum) Home depot/Lowes has pretty good prices in CFL bulbs it...
  4. LA LA LA

    My slow growing weed

    Oo wow thats lucky! I have done that with b4 when they were too wet, sadly they didnt survive =*[.. Her being a dwarf would be a good thing bcoz shes a closet grow and its a tight space in there, nd i dnt mind a small harvest although it would b great for her to bounce bacc with monster buds! =]...
  5. LA LA LA

    Starting seedling Question

    i buried it just the tip of my index finger deep and then covered a pinch of loose dirt over it, mayb it was too deep, but ive been succesful with germinating before and this has only happend to me twice. its most likely bcuz of starting the seedling in a 5 gal bucket, only reason i can thnk of
  6. LA LA LA

    Starting seedling Question

    yeah man you've helped me learn about the thickness of seed and the depth i should plant and some helpful greenhouse effect tricks! i will definently try this my next time around thanks lots! +rep
  7. LA LA LA

    My slow growing weed

    Thanks, yeah thats good to know so i need to be more patient, shes looking bigger alredy today nd i stoped veging and just started flowering12/12 when i find my usb port for the camera i will post pics asap
  8. LA LA LA

    My slow growing weed

    No i lost the usb thing for my cams memory chip. but i will try and find it later. It was 2 weeks into veg when i replanted, was that not long enough?
  9. LA LA LA

    My slow growing weed

    yeah it had many stringy roots in the cup and it was at the same hieght as it was when i repotted it. I know it had many roots in the cup becuase when i replanted it i fucked up and accidently pulled the entire plant, roots and all out of the soil >.< amazingly enuff this one survived because i...
  10. LA LA LA

    Starting seedling Question

    @ dura72+Dwezelitsame+Purplekrunchie Yeah thats true but plz hear me out.Previously after the wet paper towel method and leaving it behind the computer router where its warm for a few days it was ready to b planted, and i put the seed in a 5 gal with soil and put a 100w cfl over it for 5 days...
  11. LA LA LA

    Starting seedling Question

    I fucked up repotting twice and i manged to save one, im guessing i over watered the soil so i could handle the plant better and it died withn the next 4 days
  12. LA LA LA

    Starting seedling Question

    I just planted a germinated seedling in a 3 gal bucket of soil, i know i was supposed to start in a jiffy pot/cup but i always fuck up when repotting. the question i have is, will it sprout and grow or is the bucket too deep? (its been 2 days and nothing has sprouted.):confused:
  13. LA LA LA

    My slow growing weed

    yeahh i started it in a cup and then when it sprouted I repoted it into a 5gal just about a week ago so i think your right, imuh wait for her to to hit her growth spurt. thanks for the reply!
  14. LA LA LA

    My slow growing weed

    my plant is exactly 3 weeks and is barley growing its second fingers on its leaves (no FULL leafs) . 3-5 inches tall. Using a 100w cfl in MG soil.18hrs of light. should it be bigger by now?ANY HELP PLZ cuz its frustrating!:wall:
  15. LA LA LA

    Cant wait until harvest time! March maddness =} (PICS COMING SOON)

    Cant wait until harvest time! March maddness =} (PICS COMING SOON)
  16. LA LA LA

    seedling leaves deformed when in propagation dome

    I got a ? on deformed plants. I got 2week old bagseed under a 75w CFL and it has a seed still attachd and wierd thing also is it is missing a complete side of leafs and it is white where there should be but it still is growing a lil slowly, looks healthy. any1 expeience this? should i continue...
  17. LA LA LA

    Two weeks old

    try using a higher watt bulb for CFLs then you wouldnt have to use more lights to get beter amount of lumens