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  1. Canniwhatsis

    2011 Veggies

    ThunderSnows,.... One of my favorite oddity's about Colorado!!!! :D And Gropple, (little snow balls falling like rain) I've seen Gropple balls almost 1/2" in diameter! We are privileged enough to live in one of the few spots that has EVERY kind of precipitation. Verga, rain, sleet, hail...
  2. Canniwhatsis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Blueberry, single plant, 2' x 2.5' several weeks to go! :D
  3. Canniwhatsis

    My Variegated grow log!

    She's just under a foot tall, and currently in a gallon pot. I'm planning on training her and SCROG for flowering,..... so the veging part of this is gonna be slow,..... the real fun will start in a couple more months ;)
  4. Canniwhatsis

    My Variegated grow log!

    Well,... it's a girl!!!!!!! Only took 1.5 months from seed to show it, but now I'm gonna grow it! Wish me luck!!!!!!! Pic 1 and 2 show the condition of the leaves,.... this is 100% natural, variegate growth from seed! Pic 3 is the definitive sex of the plant!
  5. Canniwhatsis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    +1 and reps ;) That's some sick looking scrog for CFL, the HPS will do a bit better for sure! :D
  6. Canniwhatsis

    Question about stem/plant color. (PICS)

    Happy frog has everything they're gonna need at this point in they're lives. What strains are you growing? I just started 15 strains of peppers,.... tho ATM 3 of them don't have a single sprout above the soil? :? And what do you consider VERY hot? I did some Chocolate dipped...
  7. Canniwhatsis

    2011 Veggies

    The wife wants to do raised beds. I'm not opposed to the idea,... but the cost of the soil alone is gonna SUCK! And hell it only took 3 years to amend the clay here into something that resembles dirt! ;)
  8. Canniwhatsis

    WTF Is This?

    None the less, I think I've found it. Down towards the bottom of this thread on Gardenweb is a much better pic that looks EXACTLY like what I've got goin on, and a NAME!!!!! Edema. While this doesn't specifically talk about...
  9. Canniwhatsis

    WTF Is This?

    Thanks, I was thinking that at first too, but the Serenade should have had some effect in knocking a blight down, and NOTHING :(
  10. Canniwhatsis

    WTF Is This?

    Thanks Dale,... but again it's NOT insects, in any stage of life. Under 100x magnification it looks like a wart.
  11. Canniwhatsis

    a seed w/ no males??

    Sorry for the OT, hey Johnny,.... that a P47 n your avatar?
  12. Canniwhatsis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    What up with the dixey cups? :? Nice looking carpet otherwise! ;)
  13. Canniwhatsis

    WTF Is This?

    Thanks for the replies. It's NOT bugs, it looks almost like a fungus kind of growth, and does not rub off when touched. Something about this site resizes the pics, because they are HUGE files and in the full image you can clearly see what's up. I've sprayed with Serenade, but it doesn't seem...
  14. Canniwhatsis

    a seed w/ no males??

    Shit, Johnny on the spot there beat me to it! :D
  15. Canniwhatsis

    a seed w/ no males??

    Yeah, possible hermi is my first inclination. However, it's a wind pollenated plant,......... if your intake isn't filtered and sealed, or you don't change clothes before entering your room it's possible the guy on the end of the block that has a male or hermi in his room is responsible for the...
  16. Canniwhatsis

    Branch has broke off!! Help!

    If it's completely torn off, then the branch will be dead, if its just split you can tie it up and the branch should heal in a couple weeks. Even if it's an amputee it's not going to kill the whole plant, I had a BlueBerry tear a limb off because it got too heavy in week 8 of flower,... she...
  17. Canniwhatsis

    2011 Veggies

    Typically get snow before Halloween here. I'll probably journal the pepper garden,.... that's a good idea. I got looking at my plot, and there's not enough room for all my plants (if they all germinate) So some of them will be in containers.
  18. Canniwhatsis

    2011 Veggies

    I'm probably gonna get out in late April, maybe May. I've seen snow in July here,.... Like I said this will be my first real garden, Last year I got my 4 square foot garden out in June and it was meager to say the least. We barely pulled any tomatoes before frost set in,.... and frost was LATE...
  19. Canniwhatsis

    2011 Veggies

    :D that's pretty cool! I'm gonna have to give that method a try. I've had my house for 3 years, and it's taken this long just to get the CLAY amended to something that could be called soil! :D So this will be my first full on garden.
  20. Canniwhatsis

    WTF Is This?

    Here's a quick rundown on my setup,.... the chart is from another site and is pretty good diagnostic tool. What is your experience level? (first timer, novice, experienced...) Novice at best. Your Equipment: .1 ) Type and wattage of lights. (MH, HPS, CFL's, tube fluorescents, LED's) 400w MH...