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    In soil, 150w LED

    If there autos? Sure , should be enough light...... If you're vegging photos out for six weeks+ before flip? no Plants look healthy, keep it up grower.... Oh and definitely put up some reflective material around them .

    New lights, new spectra and some High Light strips

    No worries, was just wondering ... ... Forgot how draconian the laws are in oz.

    ApacheTech's new lights

    Good to see brother, sorry about the niners, was rooting for you guys. Fucking hate the new rams. What strains you rocking currently? Only thing that bothered me about the apaches later on was the secondary lenses....... Oh, and the price:shock:

    Newbie looking to buy an indoor light? Heres an informational video from Dr.Bugbee going over some lights.

    Bugbee is also now on the Scynce led payroll. Might be a interesting company to watch this year, making some moves.

    ApacheTech's new lights

    Yeah, someone else mentioned it a couple weeks back..... Maybe supply issues? Very strange indeed..

    New lights, new spectra and some High Light strips

    Yes, d8thc, an isomer? made from hemp(cbd isolate)

    Updayday LED thread

    Your lux meter isn't picking up the monochromatic red diodes...... As Long as all the LEDs are ON, that's your best bet for flower.

    ApacheTech's new lights

    No one other than greengenes could afford those, lol....... We where all jealous of him back then. Edit. I think puffenuf bought a fixture?

    New lights, new spectra and some High Light strips

    Talking about hemp farming, how's the d8 situation in Australia? Here(pa) its like a second green rush, very tempted to jump. Interesting that you thought halide arcs emit significant uv-b past the glass envelope? Was it a specialty one?
  10. PSUAGRO.

    GML Accusations..

    You must be new here, shit like this was going on every six months back in the day. All the start ups that came out of this sub fighting reach other, ripping off "designs", etc; people just love drama. This isn't our beef, move on imo.
  11. PSUAGRO.

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Love that this thread is still going! I had decent success with 12/12, 13/11, 14/10(with pf/pfr trigger) from seed over the years in a 40 gal. Take a shot at it, it's fun
  12. PSUAGRO.

    GML Accusations..

    It's all about MONEY, shocker!:roll:.......I won't go into specifics, cause it's not my place to say. That's for hlg to chime in on. Never watched a gml video, won't start today either.
  13. PSUAGRO.

    Retrofitting LumiGrow Fixtures

    Man, they've been around since the beginning. Sad to hear. Hope clw isn't next.. Good luck with your repurposing venture grower.
  14. PSUAGRO.

    Retrofitting LumiGrow Fixtures

    Wow, lumigrow is out of business!? Crazy
  15. PSUAGRO.

    GML Accusations..

    Stephen and Robin have been long standing riu members, I think it's fair to allow them to defend themselves first. I know top group/ bin Sammie mid powers where limited before COVID, so shit probably got worse.... osram gobbled almost all the oslon top stuff for their own fixtures . It's no...
  16. PSUAGRO.

    My marshydro ts1000 2 red led broken

    No it's not, keep chugging along grower..... Unless someone can confirm it's a fault, then return/replace.
  17. PSUAGRO.

    My marshydro ts1000 2 red led broken

    I'm not familiar with that model, maybe someone else that has it can chime in? The placement looks like it might be 2 -730nm diodes per board(which will have little effect); their exact spots on the opposite sides. @MarsHydrofactory
  18. PSUAGRO.

    Latest UVA vs UVB cannabinoid test results

    72% efficiency on a uva diode? Very surprised by this..... Crazy bump from a year or two.
  19. PSUAGRO.

    My marshydro ts1000 2 red led broken

    Does this model have far red diodes? Cause their very dim compared to 630/660nm.
  20. PSUAGRO.

    Grow the Jungle

    Lol, looks like it was designed for the red bull crowd....