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  1. 808STATE

    Bokashi Compost Anyone?

    I swear by the stuff. It is some bad A$s. I love Bokashi. Started using it long ago when I grew Awa plants. I also have implemented them in my vegetable garden and have some humongous results. Literally. Leaves are larger, plants get larger growth. I make my own Bokashi too. It takes about a...
  2. 808STATE

    Hawaii Growers

    Aloha Bruddah's. I agree with not going with the T5's. I built me two Super charged T8's. You can do that for about 44 bux at Wal mart. That is just the fixtures. I use it to Veg and it is just as bright as a T5. You can find the info on Youtube. Supercharging T8's. My 2 fixtures blast 110 watts...