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  1. D

    Worm Castings or Mushroom compost?

    use mix is 1 part black hen 1 part black cow 1 part mushroomcompost 1 part worm casting.that should be 20% of soil mix.i got my awsome mix on another forum.ima make a thread.peace
  2. D


    yea ten time.
  3. D

    how to Moving weight?

    it sell it self.'i got purp'...gone.peace
  4. D

    The Ebay Of Drugs?

    online mail orders are like good if you here them from a second hand 'dog hit look what i got'.i got mail order shrooms in pills.web site was for organic remidies.peace
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    Royal Mail and USPS package from attitude

    lmfao.yeah god forbid mail gets lost,its evrybodys fault.the tude's never let me down.
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    The Art of The Auto

    holy shit p1lmao