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  1. Cropcircle

    Yellow bananas! Quick question

    Thanks, friends! I will wash the place down 2day! This sucks cause I got a 4 week Blueberry and a 3 week SAGE in there also. Oh well.......................
  2. Cropcircle

    Yellow bananas! Quick question

    Woke up this AM to find my TNR haze has loads of tiny yellow bananas in the buds:twisted:...6 weeks into flower. Question is..will this hermie spread pollen? I dont want this obviously cause of other plants in there. I have removed it from the room and will wait for replies. Thank you in advance!
  3. Cropcircle

    600w vs. 1000w. Longer flowering time?

    Thank you all for ur input!!! You guys are the best! I do plan on getting a 1000w when income tax comes in.
  4. Cropcircle

    600w vs. 1000w. Longer flowering time?

    Like the title says, I have a 600w HPS and was wondering if the flowering period will be longer than it would if I used a 1000w. I am doing 6 plants in a 6'X6' room. I don't believe it makes a difference but a friend is trying to convince me it does. Anybody know the answer for sure? thanks in...
  5. Cropcircle

    drying on a screen questions

    Hey, Streets...I know folks who always dry on screens. Just make sure to have good air circulation...but not directly on the buds (but you know that). Temp and RH same as hang dry. Anywho, they always have great results! Going to check out ur perpetual grow now.
  6. Cropcircle

    Ever seen such a Foxtail?

    Thank you all for ur input! I finally got in touch with the gut I bought them from...he said the mom did it too, but he didnt think her babies would. he is even gonna replace them with sumpin else! cooooool. ( i knew I dint do anything wrong, LOL ) Oh, and i decided not to cut em. some of the...
  7. Cropcircle

    Ever seen such a Foxtail?

    These were clones i got a while back. From what i hear, all clones from a plant that does this will also do the same. Most likly the parents did it also. IF NOT, the only thing I can think of is this...they got taller than the HPS light, so I had to bend them over a lot to get back under it...
  8. Cropcircle

    plant taking a lot longer than 1st thought... ?? :s

    I have two super lemon haze, they didnt even start to bud until the 6th week. Now, in the 8th week all the colas have foxtailed so badly that I am thinking of trashing them. These ladies are 6' tall and i was expecting 4-5 oz. from each! If ur plant foxtails, any clones from it will do the same...
  9. Cropcircle

    Ever seen such a Foxtail?

    Super lemon haze gone to waste? 8 weeks into flower and all the top colas are like this, some not as bad tho. I was looking at 4-5 oz. from each of these ladies...oh yeah, there are 2 of them both doing this. :cuss: Will these buds tighten up in the next 2-3 weeks? Or... is this a lost cause?
  10. Cropcircle

    Foxtailing...good or bad?

    Thanks Hellraizer, have u had this happen to u? Anyone else have an opinion or experience with this?
  11. Cropcircle

    Foxtailing...good or bad?

    I have 2 SLH plants that are foxtailing sumpin wicked. I think the reason is that they are taller than the light so I bent them over to keep them under it and the colas started sending out "shoots" upward. They are in week 8 of flowering. Will this produce more or less? Thanks in advance!
  12. Cropcircle

    how long you can store buds....?

    I've kept them in mason jars for a year with no prob. ( in a cool dark place ) Some strains wont last as long tho.
  13. Cropcircle

    Kushh Kidd little infestation problem

    Sounds like root knats. go get some swimming pool filter SAND. Spread it on top of ur soil at least 1" deep. When the little bastards try to dig thru it, they will get cut to death by the jagged edges of each grain of sand. U can also put up a no pest strip but dont let it touch plants. As far...
  14. Cropcircle

    super lemon haze at last

    It is a True Blueberry, AKA Mother of Blueberry. U no I got some clones off of her! Also got some SAGE, Magic Bud, and TNR Haze going on.
  15. Cropcircle

    Droopy Stems in seedlings - pics

    she looks healthy enough... I would just prop her up and put a gentle fan on her to strengthen her.
  16. Cropcircle

    super lemon haze at last

    Here is pic of my SLH girls. Both of them were 32" when they went into flower...noe they are over 6' tall and 4' diameter! they r in week 6 of flower here. Good luck with urs! it's an easy strain to grow. (I use soil)
  17. Cropcircle

    Opinion wanted on this strain...

    Thanks guys! yes it is call Mother of Bluberry. I have done blueberry before and love it. Just dint know if this was different. Looks a little diff from regular BB. Ayuh to johnboh, I do live in NE. We got some good shit up here.
  18. Cropcircle

    Which strain of MJ do you prefer on fragrance alone?

    Super lemon haze all the way! Lemony smell and after taste...and about 20+% THC. Rating: 10
  19. Cropcircle

    Harvest at 42 days!?!?!?

    Thanks TBO!!! I almost cut then down but I didn't. I will get a microscope first.
  20. Cropcircle

    Opinion wanted on this strain...

    Hi, I recently acquired a "Mother of Blueberry" plant. She is beautiful! My question is... Can anyone tell me what to expect from her? Thank you! :peace: