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  1. marvinhagler

    Does anybody know what this is?

    The plant switches its energy from producing buds and THC to making seeds, there is probably a lot more to this but I'm pretty sure thats the jyst.
  2. marvinhagler

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Also it's my first grow and I'd be too sad to just end it now haha
  3. marvinhagler

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Thanks for the help guys. A little disappointing but since it is 2 out of 3 and I'm already a few weeks into flower I think I'll just keep them going and really watch to see if any other balls pop up and pull them off. I guess its a good experiment to see what the weed will turn out like haha if...
  4. marvinhagler

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Well they definitely were pollen sacs, glad I asked when I did. I took each plant into a different room and carefully picked off the sac with some tweezers and when I did a tiny little bit of pollen came off and fell straight onto the soil which I removed quickly. and when I crushed the rest of...
  5. marvinhagler

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Yeah they all came from seeds. Damnit so they ARE pollen sacs?? Does anybody know why there would only be one tiny one on each? Hopefully that doesn't ruin the grow
  6. marvinhagler

    Does anybody know what this is?

    My plants have been flowering for about three weeks now and yesterday morning when I went to go check on them I noticed two of them have these little things just underneath some of the new bud growth about 4 nodes from the top. It kind of looks like an opened up seed or something with a light...
  7. marvinhagler

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Cool thanks!
  8. marvinhagler

    Lowryder #1 First Grow

    Hey Millyy, Lucy is looking good! Sorry for just jumping in right now haha but I've been following this one for a while, I've been looking into some lowryders. I was looking through trying to see if you ever said what kind of nutes you started giving her, but I can't seem to find it. What brand...