instructions----all indoor plants just 7 drops(1/8 teaspoon) per quart of water everytime you water, everything you grow. for feeding once or twice a month use up to 14drops (1/4 teaspoon) per quart of water. One full squeeze of the dropper dispenses approximately 14 drops
i really to kno wat nutrients i need to go get on fertilizers and how much i should put in them this is my first time growin somebody let me know something please
ok, so i need the fan turned to blowing outside or inside? and i gotta go some wea for 4 days and have absolutly no one to take care of my plants will they survive for 4 days in the dark?
length is ah lil more than 3 feet too, yeh i did plant them to close together, no exhaust but i have ah fan in therei turn on, and yeh the spae im using for growing is excludin the rest of space. do i need nutrients to grow them if so wat kind do you use?
i changed the grow spo like you said now there in ah bathroom shower i dont use its height is ah lil more than 6 feet and width is ah lil more than 3 feet is that good?