Yea some sort of no drug policy in the lease
What I don't under stand is why they didn't throw me in jail WTF?
I even asked the officer do u have grounds to charge me and he said no so plz explain that
I was holding the door they drilled/ Kicked it cuz I was standing against it!
Threw me on the ground then went threw my intire house from top to bottom
Pulling cloths off the selfs Nd everything broke some of my stuff tore everything out of the bubbler and took everything except my gear but...
Just got raided !!!3 Cops came drilled out the lock kicked the door in !!! Then after ripping my shit up they left !! I even asked if I was doing anything illegal and they said no just I wasn't aloud to grow were I was living because I was renting !! Management is kicking me out what are the...
Yea they weren't looking great when I got them but most are growing back healthy . I can take the nasty ones out and put them in a diff bubbler marrow . When refilling it yesterday I took about 2 inches of water out prob about 3 gals so all the outer ring of plants are only 1" deep in water and...
Yea roots are at the bottom of the net pots and they Sit 2" deep in the water and it's only the super lemon haze clones all of the others look fine infact every thing except 4 have huge white / brown roots witch wasn't their 48hr ago
Last weeks nutes were using great white I think...
Took the wilting ones out of the hydroton the roots wher covered in a dark brown stuff ?washed them off and stuck then back in the netpots the roots them selfs weren't brown just covered in something I'm thinking the neem oil made the nutes stick to the roots ?
Should I be using hydrogenperoksid?
Yea they are clones. all the other plants have huge white roots all of the wilting ones I can't see any roots at all I dropped the ppm to 450 and 5.8 ph and am spraying them with pure water at 5.8ph and sea weed kelp 5.8 .... Any ideas for me ?
Ph 5.8 ppm 600 dropped it down to 450 today all the small ones are wilting but the larger ones look great any ideas why? I'm using 3 air pumps 4 air stones advanced nutes and tap water that comes out at 50 ppm . I sprayed neem oil 2 days ago and yesterday 2 were wilting so I changed out the...
I'm having some wilting issues with the clones in my bubbler can any one tell me why? I noticed this yesterday so I changed the water, the day before I sprayed neem oil and noticed oil floating on top of the water wasn't sure so I just changed it to be safe. I have 4 huge air stones and 3 hydro...