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  1. S

    Cant dry indoors......How can I dry outdoors????

    Thanks for the reply Nizza. I don't think a tent will work either. The is a lot of foot traffic in the area not to mention a possible cobra or two deep into the brush. I don't want to go deep into the brush to dry the bud and a tent would require that to go unnoticed. I am thinking of some...
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    Cant dry indoors......How can I dry outdoors????

    I am in a situation where there is absolutely no way to dry some bud indoors. How can I do this outdoors? I can not dig a pit and dry the bud inside. The area I am located is humid and hot. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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    Flora Nova questions

    Im running a E&F system with a 600W bulb. My tap water is 360 ppm with a ph of 6.5. I am using Flora Nova Grow. Everything was going good until a few days ago when the 4 week old plants started losing some of their vigor and then the lower leaves started turning yellow, starting with the...
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    High ppm out of the tap ?

    The water out of the tap is running about 300 ppm. If I want to run a nutrient solution of 1000 ppm should I read 1300 or 1000 on my meter? I have also read anything over 200 should be filtered thru a RO system. Al B Fuct, who obviously knows his shit, says high ppm out of the tap should...
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    Money order questions

    Will a money order from the post office or a bank be accepted by The Attidtude? I read in another thread you had to get a "international" money order. The Post Office has international money orders for 30 countries but the UK is not one of them. The Attitudes website says nothing about a...
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    Growing in Bulgaria

    Hey sonearyetsofia! Bulgaria is a great country!!! I worked there for 6 months in 2008. My work requires me to be outside and covers hundresd of acres. Weed grows everywhere over there. I found upwards of 20 plants while I was there. Some was not very good but I did manage to find a 7 ft...
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    High ppm out of the tap question

    My water out of the tap is 380. I have some plants that are about a week old. If I want my ppm say at 900 do I add 520 ppm to make a total of 900 or do I add 900 for a total of 1280? Thanks for the help.
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    Micro Brew- Good or Bad

    Has anyone used Micro Brew nutrients? The local hydro store is pushing them hard and I wanted to get some info before I drop some coin on it. Thanks for any info.
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    How To: DWC

    Nice post VoidObject. I have a problem I hope you can help with. I am starting my first grow with a RDWC with four 5 gallon buckts. I have a 160GPH pump for the resv. with individual airstones in each bucket. My problem is when I turn the pump on the water level in the first bucket gets...
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    RDWC water flow problems

    I have set up a system of four 5 gallon buckets. Lets call the bucket closest to the recirculation pump bucket 1 and the last bucket before the water dumps into the res. bucket 4. My problem is bucket 1 fills up way to much. Bucket 3 water level is a little lower than 4, 3 is higher than 2, 2...
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    The Smoothest Smoke

    Thanks for the responce guys. stlmatt- Thanks for the advise. I had heard organic soil will give the bud just a lilttle bet better smell and flavour. So many questions starting out, thats part of the fun!!!!
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    The Smoothest Smoke

    Question for all the experts. What method of growing will get you the smoothest smoke? Hydro? Soil? Organic Soil? Im sure curing has alot to do with smoothness but I would also think how the plant was grown will have some affect on the smoke. Trying to figure out which direction to go for my...