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  1. B

    Hopefully easy curing question

    mafia is rite once cured u dont have to burp them anymore
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    freexing weed? is it ok to frost my little buddies?

    one more thing make use its dry BEFORE u freeze it needed to add that lol
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    freexing weed? is it ok to frost my little buddies?

    if you freeze them use a vac sealer you wont lose any potency or you can keep it in a mason jar in a dark place as well this will cure ur weed feather to make it even better to smoke thats y captians friend has prob been storein his for over a year now weed is like wine the longer it sits the...
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    first time aeroponics

    Nah bro I'm geting the aeroflow2 30 site an goin to run 2 400w bulbs
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    first time aeroponics

    yo gerbo same here moveing from soil to a 30 site aeroponics system about to start here and the next few days but question for you did you use all 32 sites or did you space or plants out couse the things i have read say u should and you dont have to soooo i was just seeing how you did it an how...
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    gettin started an need a lil help

    thanks for everything guys an yea please post those links when u get a chance thanks again
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    question on clonein also after clone a mother for a while will her kids start losein there potency
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    gettin started an need a lil help

    thanks yall for the help what watts should i use an i have herd that u cant use mh an hps bulbs in the same setup is this true or can i get one w a mh bulb an just switch it out w the hps when its time to flower
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    gettin started an need a lil help

    i am goin to be growin indoors usein a areoflow2 model 30 i have plenty of room an i found one for a price that cant be beat, but my question is for the size grower yhat im goin to be useing what size light should i use i have been look at a "adjust-a-wing" light system to be able to get the...
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    yo bro i have been readin ur stuff tight ass shit man but im new to the hole growin...

    yo bro i have been readin ur stuff tight ass shit man but im new to the hole growin hydroponically so i got a few questions if u dont mind im goin to be use a aeroflo2 model 30 i got plenty of room for this set up my question is what kind of lights setup should i use i have lookin at the...