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  1. C

    Alprazolam Xanax ordering??

    Well after i posted this i ended up speeking with my doctor and he thinks i do actally need a xanax perscription, (althogh i dont(i think)need it but hell why not have the perscription) so i ended with a getting 20 .25mg little white footballs...... they suck...but, ohwell legal and 47cents at...
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    Alprazolam Xanax ordering??

    Has anyone orderd xannys online to unitedstates yet? all info is appreicated thanks, havent been on in awhile :joint::hump:
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    CFL Growing = High Electricity?

    ohh, dam thats great thanks
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    CFL Growing = High Electricity?

    i made a cfl grow box and im wondering will it raise my electric bill alot? total of about 8 cfls and a fan
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    Honestly Help...

    Ok i smoke alot im lazy and i need a way to get weed... obviously growing.. i have a area where i can its indoors and a good location... so heres my problem... i have maybe $70 on me at a time.. so i normally by a 1/2 8th and smoke and repeatalso pay for gas and food sometimes. but thats my...
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    my 1st grow

    commented same time same thing... im high.... that was cool...
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    my 1st grow

    Dunno, but i honestly went with attitude and was impressed
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    Dresser grow Help Needed

    no help? dam.
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    Dresser grow Help Needed

    Theres two fans in it, maybe ones going in and ones out? thats all i know theres two fans still dont have the dresser at MY house untill monday im trying to prepare
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    Dresser grow Help Needed

    Ok so here it is, what i need is from what yall can see, what would i need odor control, how many plants you think, this is a average size dresser looking to grow one time normal then scrog it cause theres limited space but i want some experience first. this dresser has that silver mylon stuff...
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    The Stealth Growers Thread

    haha i bought it from a friend, yea it opens up front and top pretty sweet got it for $60 with 2 fans and the light waiting on the seeds i got from attitude still
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    The Stealth Growers Thread

    The inside looking down , not my plants still waiting on seeds
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    The Stealth Growers Thread

    Just got this dresser grow setup and seeds from attitude on the way
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    Dresser Grow- 1st grow help needed

    Ok so im buying this grow box from my friend and me and my roomate are planning on growing for ourselves this is the dresser its a small guy comes with shiny silver walls and 2 fans built in with a adjustable light, idk what light is in it or if ill switch it to cfls any input?? also about to...
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    inbox stealth grow, what strain to grow?

    looking to grow in a stealth dresser grow, the dresser is kinda of short what is best strain to use in something like this, kinda of short scrog grow was thinking northern lights
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    Paying Question

    ive searched couldnt find a post sorry, ok so from the research ive down i think ive decided to go with attitude over nirvana and go ahead and start my journy with some feminized seeds but im sketched out how to pay and sending to my home any experiences yall have? how yall did it? Thanks a...
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    600 vs 400 need help

    Thanks man so is 6 a max limit? sounds good to me!
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    600 vs 400 need help

    Thanks im thinking about going with the 600 whats the limit on plants to a 600w lamp?? Thanks- CooP
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    600 vs 400 need help

    Ok so i think im ganna start a lil grow for myself :leaf: What are the differences in a 600 to 400w lamp Amount of Plants? Speed of growing? Size of grow? Anything else to help me decide will be awsome what makes 600 better than 400? or other way around i have a decent size grow space i know...
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    Quick Question!

    Thanks and yea wouldnt bother with even trying to bring it back to different states and all but thanks