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  1. R

    Dont know when shes ready! HELP

    So im running 2 Rocklock, 2 Afgani haze, snow white, and LA confidential, I am at week 10 day 1, under 12/12, Buds arnt huge, AND during week-5-7 i was in nut lockout they didnt grow much when that went on, do i need to keep them going longer because that happened???
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    Ready To Cut the girls!!! YEAA BUDDY

    thanks....this is first time doing this, Learning alot this first time, Ditching the soil next time to, Got infested with gnats for a minute....ALL set with that again...
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    Ready To Cut the girls!!! YEAA BUDDY

    its just the lower growth isnt ready, still white hairs on lower growth, i also threw a 48" florescent under the canopy facing upto get more light to the bottom
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    Ready To Cut the girls!!! YEAA BUDDY

    So i topped them, and tops are ready, ok to chop the top off? I dont want to fu*k this up!
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    Ready To Cut the girls!!! YEAA BUDDY

    I need help...Im running 10 different strains, some should b ready now right? at 9 weeks?
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    Ready To Cut the girls!!! YEAA BUDDY

    Can i cut some bud off? or wait?
  7. R

    Ready To Cut the girls!!! YEAA BUDDY

    So Im at week 9, Top half looks ready but bottom still has white hairs. When should I cut them down??? Should I keep them for one week?
  8. R

    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    Ill get one today, I thought a PPM meter wasnt needed in soil grows, im adding the right nutes per gallon, PH levels are right, lighting, temp humidity is all where it should be.
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    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    SHould i just use a couple drops of AN nutes per gallon?
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    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    yeah I use 1/4 strength and the tips burnt the next day...Now locking out everything, and now there turning pale green to yellow and all dieing off...Sucks
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    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    Next watering, Im throwing the the bad ones in the shower n flushing them out completely....Is this a BAD idea?
  12. R

    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    Yeah ive been using 1/4 1/2 strength and still burns the plants. I guess my plants dont like these nutes, I have one confidentail cheese going and loves the nutes, everything else is dieing. PH 6.5 PPM580-900 75-80 Temp 35% humidity All the tips are brown BURNT! Prob Locking everything out...
  13. R

    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    Lets see if they stand to their full money back garentee if ur not satisfied with the product. IM NOT!
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    Advanced Nutes Kiss my ass!!

    They say there the best, bullshit...AN nutes killed my whiole crop, DONT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK! The instructions are made to kill your plants, Burn the roots to ashes!
  15. R

    Root rot! Oh noooo!!!

    Didnt know that, I will try that
  16. R

    When to Add Peroxide?

    So I have problems with root rot in one plant, and others looking not as good as they were in veg.. Im running 3 Grandaddy, 2 Snow White, 3 Rock Lock, Under 600HPS, RUnning 2 Osc Fans in the tent, I had/Have a Problem with flying gnats, Flys, They were coming out of the soil , I threw down...
  17. R

    Root rot! Oh noooo!!!

    Ok, Well i dont have anywhere to get sterilized cow dung atm, I dryed out the top layer, and mixed up gallon ph 5.8 and 1teaspoon hydrogen peroxide, and 1 teaspoon epsom salts, Im still flushing, to get rid of the nute burn
  18. R

    Should i leech asap!

    So I got epsom salts and 35% peroxide, Yes one plant is having MG def. so i got the epsom salts, and other one has root rot and crocodile leaf, might add epsom to that to, Is it bad to add the peroxide to other plants?
  19. R

    Should i leech asap!

    So One of my girls is looking VERRYYY UNHEALTHY! Croc leaf, mg def, nitrogen def, root rot, Just NOT DOING GOOD! Def has nute burn, I need to fix this..WHAT SHOULD I DO?? Should I throw her in the tub n leech the soil? It has root rot, I dont want to add more water, i feel like im fucked
  20. R

    Epsom salts!?? What is this for

    ahh! THATS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR! THATS WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE TO, Do I water once a wk with epsolm, and will epsom burn my plants??