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  1. V

    Arrest-Proof Yourself Book

    I read it. It's a good book. A lot of the information is stuff you can learn on your own, but I'd recommend.
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    SOG 600w blueberry - super lemon haze 2nd Grow

    Everybody has access to a good growing medium: sphagnum peat moss, available at the nation's largest retailer, Walmart. Between this and perlite I have invested about $4 into growing medium per 2 gallon pot and the plants love it. In the wake of my recent episode with a calcium deficiency...
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    Nute burn or calcium deficiency? *PIC INCLUDED*

    Anybody else have insight to offer? I'll be feeding some of this: I hope this does the...
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    Hermie....shall I kill?

    Seeing as you had other plants, it was probably for the best. Did this sprout from a feminized seed?
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    Nute burn or calcium deficiency? *PIC INCLUDED*

    I do generally use RO water when watering. My tap water has PH of over 8 and wreaks of chlorine. I'll put in some dolomite lime tomorrow.
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    Hermie....shall I kill?

    Do you have other female plants in close proximity? I haven't had a plant herm on me, but if I did, I wouldn't kill it if it was all I had; bud with seed is better than no bud at all :bigjoint:
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    Nute burn or calcium deficiency? *PIC INCLUDED*

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm checking it out. I would have guessed that feeding 1200ppm over sensi A+B would have fulfilled the phosphorus requirements. By the way, this started about a week ago with lots of rust colored spots on the fan leaves.
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    Nute burn or calcium deficiency? *PIC INCLUDED*

    Picture: Strain is Emerald Kush, but my Super Lemon Haze is having the exact same problem. FOr some reason my Nirvana White Widows are looking great, and they're all being fed the same nutrient solution. All are 4 weeks into...
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    Hydro Vs Soil?

    If I were interested in growing commercially, I would take the time to master hydro for the increased growth rate. The 50% perlite 50% peat moss mix I'm using in 2 gallon smart pots is working out great though, and I like the convenience of being able to move pots around. I think that the key...
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    Guerrila growing and "The drive back carrying 20 pounds of weed" problem. Any advice?

    Police profile people. You want to hide in plain sight by avoiding that profile. So that means drive an average, run of the mill kind of car. Mind your appearance. Do not give them any probable cause to pull you over; obey all traffic laws.
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    So I have root rot. Now what? A series of questions.

    I'll look into hygrozyme. In the mean time, I ordered a 5 pack of Greenhouse Seed's "colored" mix pack. By the time they've arrived I'll know whether or not my WW can be saved.
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    So I have root rot. Now what? A series of questions.

    My two plants, 5 weeks into veg, have quickly developed root rot over the last week or so and are wilting. It's my first time doing hydro (DWC). I'd like to try to save them. Here's what I've done so far: Dumped the res, sterilized with bleach and scrubbed it, and replaced with strait RO...
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    How to not get Caught?

    Maybe. But it also breeds precaution.
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    How to not get Caught?

    Great post. It's all about controlling evidence. Never leave grow supplies in your garbage because police can look in there, and it's probably one of the first places they'll look if they get a tip. I keep a lot of house plants around in case I leave anything grow-related in the open at home...
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    How to not get Caught?

    Oh I see you had some concern about heat. FLIR cameras look for heat pumping out of a house in an unusual manner, so be creative so it will never appear that concentrated heat is being removed. Instead try routing the heat back into your living area, so that the heat will evenly be distributed...
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    How to not get Caught?

    Odor control is probably the most important part of not getting caught, next to keeping your mouth shut of course! A persistent strong smell will make someone call the police, and the smell is probable cause for them to search. Make sure there's no light leaking from where it shouldn't be...
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    Stabilizing my PH

    Hmm. After some research it looks like ph rising is a normal byproduct of plant feeding. I think I'll just upgrade to a bigger res.
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    Stabilizing my PH

    PH down. Bought crystalized from Walmart.
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    Stabilizing my PH

    First time DWC grower here. Got two WW seedlings in a 1 gallon container; I'll go bigger when the plants mature a little more. I'm really impressed with how much they've grown in a week, but there's one thing that concerns me, and that is a fluctuating PH. Last night I added some SensiGrow...
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    Police or Paranoid

    Order online with a gift credit card. There are some great online stores that also ship pretty discretely.