Search results

  1. J

    ROTARY ATOMIZER 40-50 micron

    So I want to use a rotary atomizer. one of these does anyone have any useful info on using these for aero growing?
  2. J

    Welcome New Members!

    any info on using rotay atomizers ?
  3. J

    my first grow pictures

    Have you ever heard of a thing called a rotary atomizer if you have do you have any useful info for using one of these in an aero grow?
  4. J

    rotary atomizer 40-50 micron

    hey everyone new to aero and very interested in these rotary atomizers! I'm going to have a pretty large root chamber about 8by12by5 feet deep. wouldn't one of these bad boys work great if i can figure out how much water to run through it? And if this would work how do i figure out how much...
  5. J

    rotary atomizer 40-50 micron

    Hey I'm new to aero growing but these rotary atomizers look great! If one had a large enough root chamber couldn't one of these systems do wonders? and fatman are you being sarcastic?