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    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    ok i stuck with it and all is going well.... so far i'm 4 weeks into flower. gonna flower for another 4-5 weeks and then harvest.... i plan to leave a little bud on the best looking plants out of the 5 i have and throw them back into veg, we'll see what happens.

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    OK so i am done with my emotional meltdown.... i hope you enjoyed it haha.... so i am in no rush trying to force these plants to bud... they only made it two days into flowering before i fucked them up... so i figure it wont hurt to veg them another couple weeks until they recover. this IS my...

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    wow people not concerned about a stupid newbie with his legit accident and some hurting plants.... people on here more interested in whether you can grow 8 plants in one pot and weird seeds.... nice, keep on rollingitup.

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    here is the damage.... SON OF A MOTHER FUCK.... thats all i got to say.

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    well i fucked up... i was adjusting my light and it slipped and landed ontop of my plants.... i had to chop off the top of three plants. my concern is should i stop flowering and return to veg (2 days into flower) or just let flower... man i wish i had stuff to clone with, FUCK!

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    thanks... I wonder how many females I'll get haha...

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    Still vegging.... I found myself a nice dual 400w hps/mh system... I will change the photoperiod in about a week that way I will know which are male by the time I get my new set-up.... please any and all comments are appreciated... I am a grown up and can take criticism.

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    so i am confused, two people saying different things.... do i flower now or later.

    is this ready to harvest

    send some to me so i can test it out hehe. :joint:

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    here is a spray bottle for size reference... my babies are about 8-12" tall... i topped them above the 5th or 4th nodes and they are starting to get bushy... this is my first real grow so i am kind of experimenting to see what works .... :blsmoke:

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    i think you are right about the light... the first of the month i am going to get a 400w convertible hps mh system... until then im gonna let them veg.... i was checking my dates and it looks like they started to germinate about november 11, i planted about the 12-13, and they sprouted around...

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    Heavens2megatroid.... these are doing nice, even. i think another week or two and they will be ready to flower.... what u think?

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    these little girls (hopefully) are vegging out nicely... they are about 25-30 days old. Recently transplanted them into larger pots. Started them on a 18hr on 6hr off photoperiod. Not sure if I should start doing any pruning yet - they look full. Hope all goes well....

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    a friend of mine had it on his roof... it had been sitting up there for awhile i guess... he told me it fell off a truck haha.... anyone know the wattage on this light? i am guessing its about 250watts? anyway.... my plants are doing really good....

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    sorry i started 2 threads on accident.

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    OG Kusk... about 3 full weeks. Started from seed under HPS street light. Using soil and miracle grow.... so far they've been on a 24 hour photo-period and everything seems to be working good...

    First Medical Grow... HPS street light 4 light source.

    OG Kusk... about 3 full weeks. Started from seed under HPS street light. Using soil and miracle grow.... so far they've been on a 24 hour photo-period and everything seems to be working good...