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    New grower looking for any good advice on stopping hermign!

    New grower looking for any good advice on stopping hermign!
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    Looking for help i got a hermi i think any good pic's out there or advice?
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    Does any one have good pictures of hermaphrodite plants????

    Does any one have good pictures of hermaphrodite plants????
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    Any one have good clear pictures what a hermaprodite plant looks like???

    Any one have good clear pictures what a hermaprodite plant looks like???
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    I Have herd it all.......Hands on is the only way..

    I myself with some hands on fans are good to make your plants grow strong to hold big buds! FANS a big yes !!!
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    can hermaphrodite plants pollenate female plants in bloom room

    I got some hermi plants i think they were stressed into hermi state, They are about three weeks left in full flower should i leave them or pull them ?
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, Im am a indoor grower and i am having all kinds of probs, leavs curling,leavs turning yellow,and new growth even curling, help.
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    Plant Problem....!!!!!PICS PICS!!!!! Please help guys... +REP 4 HELP

    Hello, My plants are curling like crazy all over im getting dead leave turning yellow big time but im getting new growth but in a day or two they are starting to grow help any buddy i dont want to lose my plants.