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  1. SonikSb

    Australian Outdoor Grow 2010/2011 (With PICS)

    updates guys :) Sam (still no sex :(, sativas are known to sex later i believe ? any bodies opinion on this theory..) GWS Fast Bud
  2. SonikSb

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yo guys thought i would stop in am im new to rollitup :D im from the west of Aussie and am fully into the outdoor seasons over here :D what light is stronger than the sun ?? hahaha :) just love the outdoor grows and thats what im here to share :) i hope everyones having killer grows and good...
  3. SonikSb

    Australian Outdoor Grow 2010/2011 (With PICS)

    Heres an update of fast bud, she is coming close to harvest soon but doesnt look like she has nearly matured :( she got started on the 8th of December 2010 so that makes it 8 Weeks but according to sweet seeds Fast Bud should be prime for harvest after 8 weeks from seed! i do no how unstable...
  4. SonikSb

    Lantana Guerrilla Grow

    Sweeet Dude there looking good :) keep flower pics updated the outdoor magic is the best :D goodluck! :)
  5. SonikSb

    Australian Outdoor Grow 2010/2011 (With PICS)

    Hey guys cheers for the comments greatly appreciated! im in WA but have got mates in melb and have even grown over there ;) starting them now nadrad is not really the right time for the girls but if you get them in the soil tomorrow or the next day and try give them as much direct sun as...
  6. SonikSb

    Australian Outdoor Grow 2010/2011 (With PICS)

    cheers guys, will post flowering pics as we head into it! yea man im in the west so were getting pounded with heat! but lots of energy for the good old sun :-P and those cursed bloody cyclones better stay away from my garden! looks like ive seen the worst of the weather and the girls all came...
  7. SonikSb

    Australian Outdoor Grow 2010/2011 (With PICS)

    :leaf: Hey fellow cannabis enthusiasts:clap: This is a few pics of my outdoor grow down under in Aussie :weed: In the garden i have: Great White Shark (Fem) Greenhouse house seed co. Sam the Skunk mans Original Haze x Skunk Fast Bud (AutoFlower) They are in a soil/potting mix/perlite 1:2:1...