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  1. bcbigbud

    take a look, just need some advice!

    my set up >
  2. bcbigbud

    take a look, just need some advice!

    i have the light about an inch or 2 from the plant, should i use tin foil or white around it i hear tinfoil will burn the leafs. And i have a bit of perlite in the soil right now, but i could add more.
  3. bcbigbud

    take a look, just need some advice!

    okay so i just have 2 plants on the go, the bigger one is a sativa i started from seed i cant tell if its male or female yet. The smaller one just doesnt seem to wana grow, these plants are about a month already i dont mind taking my time growing them but would be nice to get some tips from...
  4. bcbigbud

    Clones in Ontario

    where at in ontario, i have some Northern lights clones im selling if your close enough.
  5. bcbigbud

    Im growing 4 plants in one pot :o not looking goood!!

    im looking to get strong stems but dont think its going to turn out that way, this is my first time ever growing indoors, im more of an outdoors person myself, what temp should i keep them at? and is that florecent light guna be enough?
  6. bcbigbud

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S 2010 Outdoor

    R.I.P a good garden, sad to hear about your loss. People need to learn respect, ive just joined and read your whole 102 pages of amazing history. sounds like youve been through alot brother, keep your head up and hope to see your garden next year :) -bcbigbud
  7. bcbigbud

    Greenhouse Tx Winter Grow.

    damn man that looks better then big sis thats for sure :) keep up the bud porn!
  8. bcbigbud

    Im growing 4 plants in one pot :o not looking goood!!

    added my ww2 gas mask and helmet in there too :) but anyways, thats the light i want to use soon is it any good? and is the current light good enough for now. i transfered pots today to a bigger one with better soil, they seem to be taking it well for now but its only been an hour so we will...
  9. bcbigbud

    Im growing 4 plants in one pot :o not looking goood!!

    and im just using my room light, got the plants about 4-5 inches away, theres 2 lights over them hoping thats enough for now, or i have a long florecent light about arm length but was waiting til they were a bit bigger.
  10. bcbigbud

    Im growing 4 plants in one pot :o not looking goood!!

    i live in canada its winter here, i wish i could put them outside, im still living at home and hiding this from my parents so its hard to keep these plants perfect you know? but the whole 4 plants in 1 pot thing was just something i deccided to try, i know it probly wont work but if it DOES that...
  11. bcbigbud

    Im growing 4 plants in one pot :o not looking goood!!

    so ive decided to try something, havent done any research on it.. just a strange idea? so anyways i got 4 3-4 inch plants in one pot thats about palm size. they started growing im about 2 weeks in and they only have 2 small leafs on top of each of them.. im taking care of them just wondering if...
  12. bcbigbud

    Bubba Kush - 400 watt - Straight Up Dope Grow

    damn nice, doing good, cant wait see when theyre done! ;)
  13. bcbigbud

    Closet TENT - First Organic Grow - 2 Bagseed - PICS

    they look like there pretty healthy, gunna be some good plants :)
  14. bcbigbud

    Kandy Kush, WW, and pinapple express under 1300watt hps! Rep to all who stop by!

    man those are some nice looking plants, im a first time grower you should gimmy some tips ;)