so this is wats goin on. i switched my 2 60w bulbs for 2 100w cfls last nite and i wake up 2day and my little plant is half toasted :/. i guess i put the lights 2 close 2 the plant. the leaves r very droopy but havent curled up yet & there still green so can i save it? i let it sit in the dark 4...
yes i kno about the possibillity that its a male bt i have 3 others that should sprout soon so im nt worried about that. and i was thinkin about just puttin more lights and switching 2 120w cfl. wats ur opinion about that?
thanks 4 the advice beastie bloom but im nt lookin 2 spend a hundred bucs just on the lights. im growin becuz buyin weed got 2 expensive. bt thanks dude.
im new and this is my first grow. as of rite now i have one plant still young its about 2-3 weeks old. it started growing outside but wasnt getting any light so i moved it inside my closet. im currently using one 60w bulb. the first few days went by and i had bin watering and giving it 24/7...