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  1. canabiz

    Problems with taking clones before sexual maturity.

    Ya you shouldn't use clones as mothers, use a plant grown from seed. To select a mother take cuttings and induce flowering after roots develop, see which one develops more vigorously and healthy.(plants will have to be discarded afterward as they will be to weak to support big buds.)
  2. canabiz

    Question on my constraints growin in my 5x5x6 tent.. 5 plants for 3 months vegging?

    Oh yes pot size not foolproof but about 1 gallon of pot size per foot of growth I believe.
  3. canabiz

    period of darkness before harvesting?

    This is very true. does anyone know when the thc production takes place? Maybe it occurs at a higher rate at night (doesn't make sense to me but maybe) and a extended dark period to a certain extent before harvesting could produce more tasty sunscreen :) I would very much like to know the answer...
  4. canabiz

    !!!HELP!!! Water inside my air cooled hoods....+ REP FOR HELP

    That makes sense too I was thinking the fan being on would bring in moisture but if there is nothing to stop air from coming in while the fan is off then having it on probably would be better.
  5. canabiz

    Question on my constraints growin in my 5x5x6 tent.. 5 plants for 3 months vegging?

    You could top the plants to keep them short and you will get 2 top buds, just make sure you don't do this within a month before flowering because pruning defuses floral hormones or bend them while vegging. What kind of plants are they, what is their expected height ? Maybe you don't need to do...
  6. canabiz

    Flowering .

    I usually flower with a 15-30-15 and a micro and everything has gone great for me. But I have heard a lot of people continue with more nitrogen for the first few weeks of flowering then drop it almost completely during the last weeks maybe someone who has done this can elaborate. hope that's...
  7. canabiz

    Gettin Chilly

    I live in Montreal and the gorillas here leave plants in until just before first frost so as long as the temps aren't going to go below freezing (0.C or 32 F I believe) at night they should be ok but will grow slowly in the cold temp so hopefully it gets up a bit during the day. But don't take...
  8. canabiz

    !!!HELP!!! Water inside my air cooled hoods....+ REP FOR HELP

    Well if you have your fan on 24/7 match it to the light, but I'm sure your not running it 24/7 so maybe try a dehumidifying product in a baffle box between your outside air and Grow-Room, here's a quick Idea (don't make fun of me for making a little picture I know I'm lame lol.
  9. canabiz

    so i was wanting some input on which seeds i should grow 1st

    Is it maybe the other way round ? HPS with enhanced blue and MH with enhanced red those would both be good bulbs. Also the plant requirements are in my last post.
  10. canabiz

    Pineapple Express is starting to change colors

    So how is she looking now any improvement ?
  11. canabiz

    Autoponics ?

    Thanks for the tip will keep that in mind.
  12. canabiz

    Autoponics ?

    Well thank-you all for the great input I think I will go bubble seems to be easy and productive.Sorry to Zem I re-read my reply and it seems kinda harsh so sorry again.
  13. canabiz

    Autoponics ?

    Sorry dude you must be too high to get the question, obviously the manner in which the cannabis is grown cannot change the genetics, (that would be like saying by growing your apple tree differently you got tomatoes lmfao) what I want to know is what will give me those most yield with my Auto's...
  14. canabiz

    a few questions about a late stage flowering plant.

    Who said anything about changing genetics fool, its about changing the effect of the high read a book. The cannabis plant is just being researched thoroughly now mainly in the U.K, so keep up to date on the advancements in growing and think before you speak. (Here is a pic from a book perhaps...
  15. canabiz

    flowering question

    Sorry I hate to give bad news, I hope that I am wrong. Having a sad day myself mid tearing down grow room, moving in a bit no time for a new crop :(
  16. canabiz

    flowering question

    Did they go through any stress ? because that looks male to me I could be wrong, can't see it too well (my eyes, I'm sure pics are fine) two tiny white hairs are the female giveaway use a magnifying glass here is a pic to compare that may help.
  17. canabiz

    Pineapple Express is starting to change colors

    You can Mix ferts and bump the Nitrogen but you risk leafy buds I suppose.Hmmm will check again when pics are up. I always flush when I cant figure it out more often than not it helps :)
  18. canabiz

    Autoponics ?

    Well how about Aeros anyone use misters on autos ??
  19. canabiz

    a few questions about a late stage flowering plant.

    Its not rare for leaves to yellow and fall off during flowering because the Nitrogen levels should be low but brown crunchy spots don't sound normal but if your close to harvest don't worry. An Mn deficiency is the only other thing I can think of (check out pic).Good luck.
  20. canabiz

    so i was wanting some input on which seeds i should grow 1st

    Here are some pics to back what I've said about Metal Halides promote foliage growth and High Pressure Sodium promote Budding/Fruiting/Seeding. (P.S pics show wavelength spikes of HPS and MH, plants require light from the 650 nm are for flowering and the 450 for vegging. The other chart shows...